
In: Math

The director of the Wisconsin Department of Business Licensing is looking for ways to improve employee...

The director of the Wisconsin Department of Business Licensing is looking for ways to improve employee productivity. Specifically, she would like to see an improvement in the percentage of applications that employees process correctly. The director randomly selects 50 employees and gather data on the percentage of applications each one correctly processed last month. On the recommendation of a consultant, the director has these 50 employees complete a 3-day workshop on Proactive Synergy Restructuring Techniques. At the end of the month following the training, the director collects the application processing data for the same 50 employees.

Help the director analyze these data by conducting a hypothesis test. From a statistical point of view, what can you tell the director?

employee score1 score2
1 93 91
2 94 96
3 98 100
4 94 96
5 92 94
6 95 97
7 98 100
8 96 98
9 94 96
10 98 100
11 96 98
12 91 93
13 96 98
14 94 97
15 92 90
16 98 100
17 97 99
18 96 98
19 98 99
20 90 92
21 96 95
22 90 92
23 90 93
24 94 96
25 98 96
26 96 98
27 92 94
28 96 93
29 92 94
30 96 94
31 95 97
32 90 92
33 96 98
34 96 98
35 94 95
36 96 98
37 94 96
38 98 97
39 93 95
40 97 99
41 92 91
42 95 97
43 99 98
44 91 93
45 93 95
46 95 97
47 92 95
48 96 98
49 93 95
50 97 98


Expert Solution

First enter Data into EXCEL

We have to find the sample mean.

Excel command is =AVERAGE(Select data)

Now we have to find sample standard deviation.

Excel command is =STDEV(Select data)

n1 = 50

n2 = 50

s1 = 2.50

s2 = 2.61

Null and alternative hypothesis is

H0 :u1 = u2


H1 :u1 ≠ u2

Level of significance = 0.05

Before doing this test we have to check population variances are equal or not.

Null and alternative hypothesis is


Test statistic is

F = Larger variance / Smaller variance = 6.80 / 6.24 = 1.090

Degrees of freedoms

Degrees of freedom for numerator = n1 - 1 = 50 - 1 = 49

Degrees of freedom for denominator = n2 - 1 = 50 - 1 = 49

Critical value = 1.607                ( using f-table )

F test statistic < critical value , we fail to reject null hypothesis.

Conclusion: Population variances are equal.

So we have to use pooled variance.


         d.f = n1 + n2 – 2 =98

p-value = 0.010 ( using t table )

p-value < α       Reject H0

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