
In: Statistics and Probability

Chez Julia, a restaurant located in Portland Maine operated by Charles Wagon has just completed its...

Chez Julia, a restaurant located in Portland Maine operated by Charles Wagon has just completed its third year of operations. Charles, Chuck to his friends, has strived to establish a reputation for high quality food, and service which is both elegant and friendly. Specializing in sea food, Chuck and his staff are proud of becoming one of the best and busiest restaurants in the community.

In order to maintain Chez Julia’s reputation and growth Chuck needs to develop some method to forecast food and beverage sales by month for up to one year in advance. The associated excel file shows the value of food and beverages sales ($1,000) for the first three years of operation.

Perform an analysis using the sales data for Chez Julia Prepare a report for Chuck that summarizes your findings, forecast, and recommendations. Your report should include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:

  1. Make this using a time series plot and then comment on the underlying pattern in the time series.
  2. Then, Forecast sales for the fourth year.
Chez Julia Food and Beverage Sales ($1,000)
Month First Second Third
January 242 263 282
February 235 238 255
March 232 247 265
April 178 193 205
May 184 193 210
June 140 149 160
July 145 157 166
August 152 161 174
September 110 122 126
October 130 130 148
November 152 167 173
December 206 230 235


Expert Solution

Let us first draw the time series plot with below steps:

Put the data into excel work sheet

arrange data in single column and then select data

Go to insert>Line graph>line with markers

Time series plot is given as

Clearly from the above graph

Periodic fluctuations are visible in above graph

which represents the seasonility exists in the data

Below table showing the calculations

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
First year 242 235 232 178 184 140 145 152 110 130 152 206
Second Year 263 238 247 193 193 149 157 161 122 130 167 230
Third Year 282 255 265 205 210 160 166 174 126 148 173 235
Total 787 728 744 576 587 449 468 487 358 408 492 671
Mean 262.33 242.67 248.00 192.00 195.67 149.67 156.00 162.33 119.33 136.00 164.00 223.67
Variance 400.33 116.33 273.00 183.00 174.33 100.33 111.00 122.33 69.33 108.00 117.00 240.33
Standard deviation 20.01 10.79 16.52 13.53 13.20 10.02 10.54 11.06 8.33 10.39 10.82 15.50
Average of total sales 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63 187.63
Seasonal index 1.40 1.29 1.32 1.02 1.04 0.80 0.83 0.87 0.64 0.72 0.87 1.19

Seasonal index was being calculated for each month by adding the sales of each month in each year and then dividing the average of total sales

Let us perform the linear regression with below data

Performed regression using excel with below mentioned steps:

Go to Data>Data Analysis>Regression>fill input and output range

Whose summary is given below

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.999951
R Square 0.999903
Adjusted R Square 0.999806
Standard Error 2.041241
Observations 3
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 42924.5 42924.5 10301.88 0.006272
Residual 1 4.166667 4.166667
Total 2 42928.67
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1958.667 3.118048 628.1708 0.001013 1919.048 1998.285 1919.048 1998.285
Year 146.5 1.443376 101.4982 0.006272 128.1602 164.8398 128.1602 164.8398

So regression equation is given as


b=regresssion coeffcient for year or slope

Let us calculate the fourth year sales after substitute the value

in thousand dollars

Average monthly sales during the fourth year will be

Forecast for particular month will be calculated by multiplying the average monthly forecast by that month seasonal index

Monthly forecast for 12 months of fourth year will be

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Seasonal index 1.40 1.29 1.32 1.02 1.04 0.80 0.83 0.87 0.64 0.72 0.87 1.19
Average monthly sale fourth year 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06 212.06
Forecaste monthly sale (4th year) 296.49 274.26 280.29 217.00 221.14 169.15 176.31 183.47 134.87 153.71 185.35 252.79

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