
In: Operations Management

From Pyramid Schemes to Mutual Fun This case outlines the organizational structure found at Rite-Solutions who...

From Pyramid Schemes to Mutual Fun

This case outlines the organizational structure found at Rite-Solutions who builds advanced software for the military as well as consumer-gaming platforms for casinos. The owners wanted to scrap the pyramid and rethink the company as a community. The company has a stock-market type game called “Mutual Fun” with the aim of making people feel relevant to the success of the business. So far the game has generated more than 50 innovative product and process ideas.

Management Update: Rite-Solutions was a 2015 finalist for the 10th annual Bersin by Deloitte WhatWorks Award program recognizing innovation and excellence in critical areas of human resources.

Case Question: Says Jim Lavoie: “Being acknowledged as part of an organization’s future is all it takes for an employee to grow deeper roots in it.” First of all, explain what Lavoie means. Then consider the following questions: Do you basically agree or disagree with Lavoie? Do you think that it’s important to “grow roots” in an organization that you work for? What might it take for you to feel that you’re “part of an organization’s future” – that it’s worth it to sink “deeper roots”? What other factors might be important to you in feeling that you’re something more than a mere cog in some organizational machine?


Expert Solution

“Being acknowledged as part of an organization’s future is all it takes for an employee to grow deeper roots in it.” means that being part of a company that acknowledges you as part of its future growth means a lot to people. This means you can move up, become a real top decision maker and this will lead people to be more committed as they feel that they can invest a lot into the company and will receive a lot back.

I completely agree with this, investing into a company that you know wants you and sees you in its future will make you give your all. I would work a hard as possible because as the company grows, I grow. I would just have to be shown that I’m worth my value to the company for me to feel like I’m part of its future. The factors that are important to me in feeling that I’m something more than a mere cog are that I must be acknowledged, on top of that I would like to be shown, financially, my worth.


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