Short term memory is the capacity
for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active,
readily available state for a short period of time.
1. Features:
- Brief duration that can only last
up to 20 seconds.
- Its capacity is limited to 7chunks
of independent information
- It is vulnerable to interference
and interruption
2. The main functions of short term
memory are as follows:
- It is involved in the selection,
initiation, and termination of information-processing
- The main function is encoding,
retrieving information
- Holding memory
3. Strengths of short term
- Short-term memory recodes
information by linking new information to information already
stored and available in long-term memory.
- selective attention for information
in sensory memories
- Retrieval of information from STM
is direct and immediate because the information has never left the
conscious mind.
4. Weaknesses of short term
- Short lived
- severe limitation on its
- Its encoding is mainly
5. Examples:
- A hyphenated phone number, split
into groups of 3 or 4 digits, tends to be easier to remember than a
single long number.
- In order to understand this
sentence, the beginning of the sentence needs to be held in mind
while the rest is read, a task which is carried out by the
short-term memory. Othe