
In: Operations Management

Please provide a definition of managerial conflicts. (book - Ronen/Pliskin/Pass - focused operations management for health...

Please provide a definition of managerial conflicts. (book - Ronen/Pliskin/Pass - focused operations management for health services organiztions)

Please discuss the process of resolving conflicts.

Please illustrate each step in the process.


Expert Solution

Conflict management is a practice of being able to identify and handle the conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Since conflicts in business are a natural part of the workplace. Everyone is striving to show that how valuable they are to the company they work for and at the times, this can lead to the disputes with the other members of team.

Conflict resolution is conceptualized as methods and the processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of the conflict and the retribution. Committed group members is attempt to resolve the group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or the ideologies to the rest of group (e.g., intentions, reasons for holding certain beliefs) and by the engaging in collective negotiation.

6 Steps to Conflict Resolution are:

  1. Clarify what the disagreement is that. Clarifying involves getting to heart of the conflict. The goal of this step is to get the both sides to agree on what the disagreement is that. To do this, discuss what needs are not being met on both the sides of conflict and ensure the mutual understanding.
  2. Establish a common goal for both the parties. In this , both sides agree on desired outcome of conflict. “When the people know that they are working towards same goal, then they are more apt to the participate truthfully to make sure that they reach that end goal together.”
  3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal. This involves the listening, communicating, and the brainstorming together. Continue with the both sides working together to discuss the ways that it can meet the goal that they agreed in step 2.
  4. Determine the barriers to common goal. In this, the two parties acknowledge what has to brought them into conflict and talk about what problems may prevent resolution.
  5. Agree on the best way to resolve conflict. Both parties need to come to the conclusion on best resolution. Start by identifying the solutions that both sides can live with. Ask both the sides and see where there is the common ground. Then start to discuss responsibility each party has in the maintaining solution. It is also important to use this opportunity to get the root cause to ensure that this conflict will not come up again.
  6. Acknowledge the agreed upon the solution and determine responsibilities each party has in resolution. Both the sides need to own their responsibility in resolution of the conflict and express aloud what they have to agreed . After both parties have acknowledged a win-win situation, ask both the parties to use the phrases such as “I agree to…” and “I acknowledge that I have responsibility for."

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