
In: Computer Science

Please note that problem solving often requires you to consider additional requirements that are not specifically...

Please note that problem solving often requires you to consider additional requirements that are not specifically listed.

You are to write a Java program to represent cars.

  • The program has a Car class ( with constructors, accessors, mutators, and print methods.
  • This class should not have static data members or static methods. The main method will be in another class.
  • The data members include the car model year, make, model, retail price, and current value; for example, a 2020 Ford Mustang, retail of 28999, and current value 27500.
  • There are two constructors. One constructor should have arguments used to set the car make, model, model year, and retail price, but set the current value will to zero without using an argument. Another constructor should have arguments used to set all the data members. Name the arguments in both constructors the same as the data members.
  • There are accessors and mutators for each data member. The accessors will return the data member value. The mutators will sent the data member to a value passed in as an argument.
  • The print method will output the data members to the console. We will keep it simple by just putting the data member values on the same line with spaces between. For example:
2020 Ford Mustang 28999 27500

The program has a Driver class ( with the main method. The main method:

  1. Instantiates an ArrayList of Cars and instantiates three Car objects (car1, car2, car3).
  2. Adds the Car objects to the ArrayList of Cars. After adding the cars to the ArrayList, all operations on the objects are done by accessing the methods through the ArrayList. In other words, do not use car1, car2, or car3 variables after the cars are added to the ArrayList.
  3. Change the current value of the third car to 10% less than its current value.
  4. Set the first car’s retail price to $30,000.
  5. Using a loop, printout the three cars using the ArrayList.


Expert Solution

package Array;

// Defines class Car
public class Car
   // Instance variable to store data
   private int carModelYear;
   private String make;
   private String model;
   private double retailPrice;
   private double currentValue;
   // Parameterized constructor to assign all parameter except current value
   // to instance variables
   Car(int carModelYear, String make, String model, double retailPrice)
       this.carModelYear = carModelYear;
       this.make = make;
       this.model = model;
       this.retailPrice = retailPrice;
       this.currentValue = 0.0;
   }// End of parameterized constructor
   // Overrides parameterized constructor to assign all parameter value
   // to instance variables
   Car(int carModelYear, String make, String model,
           double retailPrice, double currentValue)
       this.carModelYear = carModelYear;
       this.make = make;
       this.model = model;
       this.retailPrice = retailPrice;
       this.currentValue = currentValue;
   }// End of parameterized constructor
   // Method to return model year
   int getCarModelYear()
       return carModelYear;
   }// End of method
   // Method to return make
   String getMake()
       return make;
   }// End of method
   // Method to return model
   String getModel()
       return model;
   }// End of method
   // Method to return retail price
   double getRetailPrice()
       return retailPrice;
   }// End of method
   // Method to return current value
   double getCurrentValue()
       return currentValue;
   }// End of method
   // Method to set model year
   void setCarModelYear(int carModelYear)
       this.carModelYear = carModelYear;
   }// End of method
   // Method to set make
   void setMake(String make)
       this.make = make;
   }// End of method
   // Method to set model
   void setModel(String model)
       this.model = model;
   }// End of method
   // Method to set retail price
   void setRetailPrice(double retailPrice)
       this.retailPrice = retailPrice;
   }// End of method
   // Method to set current value
   void setCurrentValue(double currentValue)
       this.currentValue = currentValue;
   }// End of method
   // Method to display car information  
   public void print()
       System.out.println(carModelYear + " " + make + " " + model + " "
               + retailPrice + " " + currentValue);
   }// End of method
}// End of class Car

package Array;

import java.util.ArrayList;

// Driver class definition
public class CarDriver
   // main method definition
   public static void main(String ss[])
       // Creates an array list to store Car class objects
       ArrayList <Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();
       // Creates 3 object of Car class using parameterized constructor
       Car car1 = new Car(2020, "Ford", "Mustang", 28999, 27500);
       Car car2 = new Car(2020, "Santro", "Fero", 89456, 32809);
       Car car3 = new Car(2020, "Maruti", "M800", 45988, 25357);
       // Adds the car objects to array list
       System.out.println("\n ************* Car Information ************* ");
       // Loops till end of the array list
       for(int c = 0; c < cars.size(); c++)
           // Calls the method to display each car object information
       // Calculates 10% less value of third car object current value
       double valueLess = cars.get(2).getCurrentValue() -
               (cars.get(2).getCurrentValue()* 0.10);
       // Sets the third car object's current value
       // Sets the first car object's retail price
       System.out.println("\n ************* Car Information after modification ************* ");
       // Loops till end of the array list
       for(int c = 0; c < cars.size(); c++)
           // Calls the method to display each car object information
   }// End of main method
}// End of driver class

Sample Output:

************* Car Information *************
2020 Ford Mustang 28999.0 27500.0
2020 Santro Fero 89456.0 32809.0
2020 Maruti M800 45988.0 25357.0

************* Car Information after modification *************
2020 Ford Mustang 30000.0 27500.0
2020 Santro Fero 89456.0 32809.0
2020 Maruti M800 45988.0 22821.3

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