In: Operations Management
select a company of your choice and perform a three
years strategic plan for the chosen company
My chosen Company is Samsung . It should have 03 year strategic plan as per the following manner:
First Year:
1) Transformation of product design to sustainable one so that new image and new pool of customers can be attracted. Our aim will be to hire millions of youth to design innovation for us.
2) Training and professional development activities for next one year with an aim to make workplace more suitable to expatriate and employees from other backgrounds. We shall become best company in smartphone category by offering highly attractive packages to our research and product development teams of experts.
3) ln third year , our aim will be to do maximum sell in all divisions of smartphone whether luxury one to a phone for low income segments of customers. We shall utilize multiple channel to attract customers and offer valuable advantage to retain them. we shall focus to achieve competitive advantage over our chinese and American smart phones sellers .