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Marketing Plan From the real international market, select a company of your choice wishing to start...

Marketing Plan

From the real international market, select a company of your choice wishing to start its activities in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region.
You have to establish a marketing department starting from the Analysis of the market, formulate overall marketing goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics within the context of an organization's business, mission, and goals designing and planning the entire function.

Write a Marketing Plan considering the following points

1. Introduction, Goals and Objectives
To introduce this section you should include the "mission statement" of the business; an idea of what its goals are for customers, clients, employees and the consumer.
a. Introduction about the business.
b. Business vision and mission
c. Business objective.
d. Products and services offered

2. Environmental Analysis
Conduct an environmental analysis that looks at and comments on your local area and your network of business contacts, competitors and customers.

3. Target Market Analysis
Identify the target market, describing how the company will meet the needs of the consumer better than the competition does.

4. SWOT Analysis
Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.
Strengths: List the strengths of the business approach;
Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company's operations;
Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the business's chances of success;
Threats: List the external threats to the business' success.

5. Marketing Mix (4 P’s ) Analysis

Describe each of the 4Ps of your chosen company.

Product or Service
Identify the product or service by what it is, who will buy it, how much they will pay for it and how much it will cost for the company to produce it, why a consumer demand exists for your product, and where the product sits in comparison to similar products/services now available.
Identify the location of the business, why it is located there (strategic, competitive, economic objectives), the expected methods of distribution, and timing objectives.
Describe the type of promotional methods that will be used. Identify techniques such as word of mouth, personal selling, direct marketing, sales promotion etc. television, radio, social media and newspaper ads.
The prices of the products or services that reflects the overall company strategy. Should be competitive as well as a reflection of the quality, costs and profit margin.
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Vision - To be global provider of   telecommunications system solutions and to enrich the lives of our
customers support them dynamically, connecting people, places and organisations around the world.

Mission - To empower customer's life through power of mobile communication.

About the company-

AIR VOICE indusrties is a multinational telecommunications company. Its registered office is located in UAE and its global headquarters is based in Dubai ,UAE.It predominantly operates services in the regions of Asia, Africa and Europe. Among mobile operator groups globally, Vodafone ranked 1st in the number of mobile customers (965 million) as of 2019.

4P'S of marketing


Air voce is a leading telecom operator in world, which has captured market with its services. Air voce will roll out a number of products & services for the benefit of the people including Internet services to promote Internet penetration within the country in Saudi Arab and promote the digitization initiatives followed. AIR VOICE mobile is one of the most popular service started by compant wherein the first affordable 5G phone will been launched by it which is powered by Thai System. services like messaging and music are offered by the 5G internet services that offers along with the various data and voice over services. Apart from this, it also produces the smartphones. ,.AIR VOICE decided on making its own handsets compatible with the 5G technology.AIR VOICE , prior to its launch of 5G services within the country, also started providing free hotspots of Wi-Fi in a number of cities within the country. This initiative will be undertaken to increase in Internet penetration within the country, and develop a culture wherein people are exposed to Internet usage. More so, in the month of MAY 2021 Wi-Fi will  provided to spectators in football grounds that had partnered to host the football matches in the country.


Below is the pricing strategy in AIR VOICE marketing strategy:

It ia estimated that AIR VOICE will be successful in selling up to 5 lakh SIM cards to individuals within the first few days of its launch. Stating out services free of charge for the users, it has rolled out reasonable pricing plans wherein consumers are charged reasonably for the data consumption that they undertake. Voice calling however, is still free for its users who mainly pay for the data usage. AIR VOICE Phones including the NICE series will be priced affordably with a security deposit of SAR 150 that could be withdrawn by the user after usage of the phone for TWO years. NICE devices start at prices as low as SAR 200 and AIR VOICE WiFi is priced at ranges as low as Rs 150 SARIn the beginning in an attempt to promote Internet usage within the country and to make the availability of Internet to people from all walks of life, AIR VOICE undertook the initiative of providing SIMs free of cost to any individual against ID proof.


Following is the distribution strategy of AIR VOICE

AIR VOICE will  has a strong presence in the Saudi Arab subcontinent because of the extremely well developed infrastructure that the company will  offer. The network will be available across all the country .


The promotional and advertising strategy in the AIR VOICE marketing strategy is as follows:

will promotes itself extensively through campaigns on Television, Social Media, print Media, outdoor media publishing activities and so on. The brand ambassadors for the brand promotion are the most iconic stars of the Football Mohammad Salah

AIR VOICE will partnered with a number of organizations and agencies In September 2020 it even signed a pact with SAUDI TELECOM for intra-circle roaming services to be offered in partnership with one another. AIR VOICE has also signed up for a partnership with LG for rolling out LTE Advanced Pro and 5G in the country.

Strengths in the SWOT analysis of AIR VOICE :

Strengths are defined as what each business does best in its gamut of operations which can give it an upper hand over its competitors. The following are the strengths of AIR VOICE

  • Consumer retain strategy – AIR VOICE will probably has the best customer acquisition strategy till date. The brand offered their services for free for 3-6 months to all their users. This resulted in millions of users
  • Strong consumer base – AIR VOICE boasts of a whopping 10 million subscribers in the first 50 days of its launch a record which no other provider has been able to register. This will make made AIR VOICE SAUDI’s largest Internet Service Provider.
  • Technology – AIR VOICE will currently uses the latest 5 G LTE technology which is one of the world’s best technologies for the future. This is supported by Voice over LTE which makes it scalable and supportive of 5G and 6 G technologies

Weaknesses in the SWOT analysis

Weaknesses are used to refer to areas where the business or the brand needs improvement.

  • Delayed launching into the market: AIR VOICE has made a late entry into the market which already had established players like saudi telecom who had occupied a place in the minds of the customer
  • Low Pricing issues – Air voice may be criticised for having lowered its prices beyond what was ethical to penetrate into the market

Opportunities for the SWOT analysis of Air voice :

Opportunities refer to those avenues in the environment that surrounds the business on which it can capitalize to increase its returns. Some of the opportunities include:

  • Future ready services in technology – Air voice uses VoLTE 5G network which is scalable to accommodate
  • 5G and 6G technologies.
  • Apps – Air voicehas VoLTE which has a lot of scope in terms of bandwidth.Thus they can offer apps to customers which are chargeable or even free initially and pay per use later.
  • Capturing nearby  countries market – Currently it is operational only in Saudi arab. There is, however, a lot of scope for expansion to neighboring countries.

Threats in the SWOT analysis of AIR VOICE :

Threats are the factors in the environment which can be detrimental to the growth of the business. Some of the threats include:

  • Risk of loss of customers – Air voice will primarily capture market because of low prices that they offer. At a stage when the company increases its price there may be a loss of consumers.

References: (APA)

Abdul‐Muhmin, A. G. (2002). Effects of suppliers’ marketing program variables on industrial buyers’ relationship satisfaction and commitment. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.

Yavas, U. (1997). Management know‐how transfer to Saudi Arabia: a survey of Saudi managers. Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Malshe, A., Al-Khatib, J., Al-Habib, M., & Ezzi, S. (2012). Exploration of sales-marketing interface nuances in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Business Research, 65(8), 1119-1125.

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