In: Electrical Engineering
Prepare an essay (of approximately 250 words), that utilizes critical thinking*, in considering the issues surrounding the question: Does Solar Energy have a future in World Developing Nations?
Solar energy, which is produced by solar panel consists of photovoltaic cell, which takes solar radiation from sun and produced electricity for various uses. A best renewable energy sources, does not require any big investment, as all non renewable energy sources are depleting, there is a requirement of pollution free, cheap, energy source. As world population increasing day by day, providing energy to all of them is challenging for developing nations.
Most part of developing nations receive good amount of solar radiation throughout the years, therefore they are investing in solar energy. Due to depletion of conventional energy sources and increasing cost of non renewable energy sources, all developing and poor countries are thinking about solar and other renewal energy sources.
Today condition is very different as compared to eighteenth and nineteenth century, today world are facing severe global warming due to burning of all non renewable resources, pollution is a challenge for world, we need clean energy for future. If we consider only developing nations then it is very important for them to use renewable energy resources like solar energy, as we can't afford further degradation of environment, a safe and clean energy with negligible investment and availability of solar radiation throughout the year is the need of the future.
Developing nations like India, china, Africa etc are already producing good amount of energy from solar radiation. Solar Impulse a plane powered by solar energy successfully tested, buses, cars, building etc are using solar energy. Most developing nations invest their some good part of GDP(Gross Domestic Products) on energy sources, if they use atleast 60-70% of energy sources from clean and cheap solar source, then they can utilize their capital to other useful project such as medical, food security, literacy etc.
If we want a clean and safe future, it is necessary for all developing and developed nations to seat together and invest in renewable energy. Such programs are already in progress by united nations, developing countries such as India and China already set their goal of producing 100 of GW power by solar energy in 2022.
Solar energy is safe, cheap, affordable, reliable and clean with less investment is a future generation energy sources. We are hoping that in future it will be used as a primary source of energy.