
In: Psychology

In 250 words thinking about the issues and movements of this period and the primary writers...

In 250 words thinking about the issues and movements of this period and the primary writers like Langston Hughes and the Zora Neale Hurston.

A. How do the writers draw from other cultural forms of expression and communication to reflect reality and advocate for social change?

B. How do the themes of these works relate to your lives today? PLEASE TYPE


Expert Solution

A. Twentieth century is the age of communism and social change. It is the age of industrial revolution and the unequal competition of arms resulting two World War. In the writing of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston there is the reflection of communal struggle, racial discrimination, struggle of the middle class people and poor people, class division, economic and social disparity etc. Zora Neale Hurston mainly presents herself as a feminist and shows the struggle of the black woman and how they are treated with discrimination. Their writing also shows the conventional political and social issues. The age reflects the problems of ordinary life in the more of industrialization.

Hughes mainly tells about the black middle class people and says about the integration of the people of colors. He says that through communist movement such integration is possible. Hughes says that people should not be judged by the color of the skin and he says that every creature is beautiful in the world. Zora Neale Hurston shows the poor relationship between black and white and various levels of discriminations in the conventional society.

B. The theme of communism and social integrity is really very important and it is very useful and realistic. Communism allows us to be liberal and free from any type of discrimination. It helps it bring social stability and peace. The theme of integrity is really a serious issue and for a nation it is absolutely essential. They mainly presents the common realistic picture of the common people.

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