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Persuasive essay on "child marriage in India"

Persuasive essay on "child marriage in India"


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Child marriage is the act of union or marriage of a child before the age of 18.

It was the most common practice in India but in this modern society, it is reduced to the bottom. It is all because of increase education and illegal to practice all over the country. The government of India passes the law that is the CHILD MARRIAGE ACT. This law explain that those who practice or force the child to practice will be punishable.

The cause of child marriage

1. Traditional

Some people believe that child marriage is practicing from generation to generation. It should continue to practice. If not practice it will be excluded from the community. Because of this influence, some people still continue practicing.

2. Gender roles

Gender equality is not present at all India. Boys are more valuable than girls. Some people think that girls are born to stay in the kitchen and serve their husbands. Because of this thought, the parents married their children very early.

3. Poverty

Poverty is related to child marriage. India has a culture of dowry system. Because of poverty, they will not have enough money to give the dowry as well as it will reduce the everyday expenses to the girl. It is believed that if the girl marries in early-stage and uneducated, the dowry will be reduced.

5. security

Security is also one important role to practice child marriage. The parents believe that if their child married in early-stage, their husband will be taking care of their wife, and the prevent assault occur will be protected.


Because of child marriage, it influences the right to education, the right to health, and the right to protection.

Indian Laws to prevent child marriage

The prohibition of child marriage act Act, 2006

This act mention that The child can be married after they reach 18 for girls and 21 years for boys. If anyone who force to marry the child or involved in this practice will be punished with imprisonment according to this law.

Dowry prohibition act

This act mention that anyone giving or receiving money, property, good form any of the parties in name of marriage will be punished.

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