
In: Computer Science

6-Write a module in pseudocode called magicSix(), which accepts two integers and displays a message “Magic...

6-Write a module in pseudocode called magicSix(), which accepts two integers and displays a message “Magic 6!” if either of the two integers is a 6 or if their sum or difference is a 6. Otherwise, the program will display “Not a magic 6.” Note, you will need to determine the larger number when calculating the difference, to get a positive difference. You cannot use any built-in Python functions to do this. Type your pseudocode into your answer document.

7- Write problem #6 as a working Python program. Include a main() module and the following calls to magicSix() to test your program. Take a screenshot of your code and output window and paste into your answer document.

magicSix(5, 5) Output: Not a magic 6.

magicSix(6, 5) Output: Magic 6!

magicSix(4, 2) Output: Magic 6!

magicSix(4, 10) Output: Magic 6!


Expert Solution

Pseudo Code:

Input: integer1,integer2

Module magic_six()

if integer2 > integer1 then swap both integers

if integer1=6 or integer2=6 then display Magic 6!

elif (intger1+integer2)=6 or (intger1+integer2) then display Magic 6!

else display Not a magic 6.

end Module.

Python Code:

def magicSix(num1,num2):
if num2>num1: #if num2 is greater than num1 then swap the values
if (num1==6 or num2==6): #if num1 is 6 or num2 is 6 then return Magic 6!
return "Magic 6!"

elif (num1+num2==6 or num1-num2==6): #if sum or difference of numbers is 6 then return Magic 6!
return "Magic 6!"

return "Not a magic 6." #else return Not a magic 6.

def main():

print(magicSix(5, 5)) #calling magicSix() function

print(magicSix(6, 5))

print(magicSix(4, 2))

print(magicSix(4, 10))


Code and Output Screenshots:

Note: In python indentation is important so please refer the code screenshot for correct indentation.

Note: if you have any queries please post a comment before giving any review thanks a lot..always available to help you...

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