
In: Computer Science

java Problem 3: An Interesting Problem Write a program that accepts two positive integers: a deposited...

java Problem 3: An Interesting Problem
Write a program that accepts two positive integers: a deposited amount of money and an
interest rate, as an annual percentage rate. Your program will calculate the number of years that
will take for the account balance to reach $1, 000,000. You can assume that the initial deposit is
less than $1,000,000
The input will begin with a single line containing T , the number of test cases to follow. The
remaining lines contain the lines to be calculated. Each of these lines has two positive integers
separated by a single space. The first value is the deposited amount, the second is the interest
The output should consist of the number of years.
Sample Input Sample output
2 cases
10000 10 49 Years
500 5 156 years


Expert Solution


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Interest {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // declaring variables
       double initialAmount,interestRate,interest;
       int n;
       //taking inputs
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
       System.out.print("Enter the number of test cases:");
       n = sc.nextInt();
       for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
           System.out.print("Enter the initial amount and interest rate:");
           initialAmount = sc.nextDouble();
           interestRate = sc.nextDouble();
           int count = 0;
           //calculating the number of years needed
           while(initialAmount < 1000000) {
               interest = (initialAmount * interestRate)/100;
               count += 1 ;
           //displaying the result
           System.out.println("Total years needed:"+count);



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