
In: Computer Science

On Python Write a function that accepts a relative file path as parameter and returns number...

On Python

Write a function that accepts a relative file path as parameter and returns number of non-empty lines in the file. Test your function with the provided sample file studentdata.txt.


Expert Solution

This question can be solved in two ways:

Way 1. If a line with spaces is considered empty

Way 2. If a line with spaces is not considered empty

I'll solve this question in both ways:

Way 1:

def countNonEmptyLines(path): #Required Function

    fl = open(path,"r")

    lines = fl.readlines()

    count = 0

    for line in lines:

        #Checking if the line is empty or not

        #strip() returns true on encountering spaces

        if(line and line.strip()):

            count = count + 1

    return count

nonEmptyLines = countNonEmptyLines("./studentdata.txt")

#The lines with just spaces are also considered as empty

print("The number of non empty lines in the given file are: " + str(nonEmptyLines))

Way 2:

def countNonEmptyLines(path): #Required Function

    fl = open(path,"r")

    lines = fl.readlines()

    count = 0

    for line in lines:

        #Checking if the line is empty or not


            count = count + 1

    return count

nonEmptyLines = countNonEmptyLines("./studentdata.txt")

#The lines with just spaces are not considered as empty

print("The number of non empty lines in the given file are: " + str(nonEmptyLines))

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