
In: Computer Science

Using C++ Write a template function that accepts an integer parameter and returns its integer square...

Using C++

Write a template function that accepts an integer parameter and returns its integer square root.
The function should return -1, if the argument passed is not integer.
Demonstrate the function with a suitable driver program .


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
T SquareRoot(T a) {
T result;
return -1;
result = sqrt(a);
return result;

int main () {
   we have make the "n" float type so that we can check that it is int or not as if we declare it as int then if we enter any float
   or double value then the int type variable will automatically convert it to int and due to which we can't check that whether it is int or
   any other datatype.
   float n;
   cout<<"Enter any integer = ";
   int answer;
cout<<"Square Root of "<<n<<" is "<<answer;
return 0;

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