
In: Computer Science

Create your own function in Java that accepts one input parameter and returns a float number....

Create your own function in Java that accepts one input parameter and returns a float number. You decide the theme.


Expert Solution


public class Division


   // function returning a float int is the parameter, divded by 5 is the process

   public float divideBy5(int num)


       float out=(float)num/5;

       return out;



   // directly convert an int to float

   public float convertIntTOFloat(int num)


       float out=(float)num;

       return out;



   public static void main(String s[])


       // object of the class

       Division div=new Division();

       //calling first function

       System.out.println("The float num1 : "+div.divideBy5(33));

       //calling second function

       System.out.println("The float num2 : "+div.convertIntTOFloat(22));





The float num1 : 6.6

The float num2 : 22.0

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