
In: Operations Management

Describe a sports organization that is successful at M&E and identify what makes them successful.

Describe a sports organization that is successful at M&E and identify what makes them successful.


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The organisation under consideration that is successful at monitoring and evaluation is is International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF). Key characteristics that make them successful at monitoring and evaluation are:

1. Objectives and Structures - The ISSF in its charter of activities under monitoring and evaluation clearly lays out the objectives that have to be achieved out of the M&E Division. What kind of of targets must be achieved, for example annual scoring and ranking systems for various types of shooters participating in different type of shooting events. What must be the methodology to achieve those targets are all very clearly defined. The structure of the M&E Division is also fairly clear where focus is on an internal monitoring and evaluation team of experts who are a well versed with the intricacies of shooting and various types of shooting events.

2. Experts Over Generalist - What kind of people shall comprise the monitoring and evaluation division is also very clearly laid out in the charter of the organisation. specialist with past experience of some type of shooting or preferred over general administratorswho are otherwise skilled in management and administration but lack the technical knowledge to bring those skills to any kind of relevance for implementation in the monitoring and evaluation of various activities of shooting sports internationally. Adequate training is also given it to to various officials who participate in adjudication of sporting events and they are apprised of the updated rules from time to time and tested for their knowledge of these rules through periodic examinations.

3. Planning and Alliances - the monitoring and evaluation system is also supported by adequate planning of around events establishing methods of monitoring and bringing on external experts who bring in the right technology as well as inputs in terms of recording, score-sheet development's a new technology to better the existing systems. Mostly these external allies are original equipment manufacturers of various type of shooting equipment write from weapons and ammunition manufacturers two manufacturers of various consumables like targets as well as thermal visual and electronic monitoring systems.

4. Rules and Regulations - The merger and acquisition system has well laid out rules and regulations of monitoring as well as methodology of improvisation of existing rules which create a clear road map tu to go about changing rules from time to time as per the need of the sports with respect to improved shooting and monitoring technologies.

5. Compensation, Benefits & Costs - so as to attract and retain the interest of best of the veterans to collaborate and participate in the monitoring and evaluation teams the remuneration is kept competent to industry standards as well as complete independence is given within the limitations of the budget for the division to manage all kinds of costs relevant to monitoring and evaluation systems.

6. Work Culture - why due attention is given to retain the purity of sport and veterans working as experts on the evaluation teams are also fairly aware of the demands of their job, ISSF being a sporting organisation and also the M&E division essentially a group of experts the work culture is fairly open where all people can share their knowledge and opinions also external opinions and considerations from shooting paternity at large are not only accepted but also appreciated.

7. Database Management - Implements like use of modern technology with conventional recording practices are evaluated and refined from time to time. Brainstorming is a continuous part of the system to ascertain best harmony between conventional monitoring and use of technology. A structured approach is taken to manage local, regional and national level database using the right kind of technology platforms which are again synchronised with all such national chapters of the ISSF to create a a international database of shooters, modern practices, rules and regulations and their effect on the quality of sport.

8. Audits - Another important characteristic of successful working of monitoring and evaluation system is the implementation of internal as well as external audits. Division wise audit through internal specialists as well as external audits by invitation to external experts from other geographies are performed periodically so as to ensure net implementation of post evaluation procedures is as per guidelines as well as data extraction is correct for feedback into monitoring divisions evaluation teams.

9. Evaluation & Research - The data obtained as a result of heating of various events is brought back to regional and national headquarters and then fed into the system for evaluation by central team. The central team then applies it's on wisdom and technology to evaluate the effect of existing procedures as well as newly implemented rules on the quality and purity of sport as well as performance of athletes both in relation to the port and their code of conduct in general.

10. Periodic Guidelines - result of evaluation and research from monitoring and evaluation systems is periodically published in the form of current guidelines with an effective date of implementation after draft dossiers are sent to various National divisions and their feedback are imbibed into the final publication of guidelines that comes out from time to time so as to maintain best practices while taking care of concerns from all the stakeholders.

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