
In: Psychology

Describe the Aronson and mills (1959) study. what was the research question? what were the methods?...

Describe the Aronson and mills (1959) study. what was the research question? what were the methods? what were the results? define cognitive dissonance and explain how this study relates to cognitive dissonance. Answer in paragraph form (1-2)


Expert Solution

The central question of Aronson & Mills (1959) study was to find if people's liking for a group is influenced by the severity of initiation. They hypothesized that when people willingly undergo a severe initiation in order to become a member of a group, they are motivated to think that the group membership must be worthwhile. For this, they conducted an experiment in which participants were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Group 1 had no initiation, Group 2 had a mildly embarrassing initiation and Group 3 had a severely embarrassing initiation. After the initiation, each participant was made to listen to a boring tape-recorded discussion.
The researchers found that participants who had undergone the most embarrassing initiation evaluated the tape-recorded discussion most positively. They reasoned that this was due to the effect of cognitive dissonance. Participants were motivated to justify putting up with severe initiation for the sake of a group membership that wanted to perceive as worthwhile.

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