In: Computer Science
Github is a web based hosting service for version control using Git.It is a website and service that we here geeks rave about all the time yet a lot of people don't really understand what it does.Git is an open source version control system that was started by limits Trovalds the person who created Linux operating isused to track changes in the source code. It allows multiple developers to work together .
When you're working on a project you are going to have a bunch of different features or ideas in progress at any given time . Branching hep help you manage this workflow.
By creating branch in project means we are creating an environment. Where we can try out new ideas.
Advantages of github
1. Documentation
By using github you make it easier to get excellent documentation .
2. Showcase your work
As a developer you wish to attract recruiters. Github is the best tool you can relay on for this.
Markdown allows you to use a simple text editor to write formatted documents.
4.Github is a repository
Github is a repository mens that it allows your work to get out there in front of the public.
5. Integration option
Github can integrate with common paltforms such as Amazon and google cloud services such as code climate to track your feedback and can highlight syntax in over 400 different programming languages.