In: Chemistry
what is the uptake of mercury across the cell wall or membrane
Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal. Mercury and most
its compounds are extremely toxic and must be handled with
care.This phenomenon is
sensitive to temperature and could involve mercury interaction with
membrane thiols,
possibly related to solute transport. During metal uptake from
metal mixtures,
than murcury may thus promote the uptake of other toxic metals by
increasing cell volume and
consequently cell capacity. than you .
Mercury is one of several heavy metals – alongside arsenic,
cadmium, lead, titanium and others – that
can effectively “shut down” our health. This occurs mainly through
disruption of the body's transsulfuration pathways.
Transsulfuration pathways are metabolic events involving the
element sulfur, a mineral which is present in all proteins.
Because sulfur is omnipresent in proteins and sulfur is a main
contain of protaein, mercury can bind with it anywhere in
the body: mercury has free reign.
Effect of murcury on our health -
Mercury can also interfere with the base groups out of which our
is formed, with cellular membrane transport systems,
and even with the placenta through its “grabbing” effects on
sulfhydryls.If a pregnant lady has high volume of murcury
in thair body than also effected tha her baby becouse palcenta are
present and placenta transfer tha nutrition.
Mercury also effected tha immune system than weakens the immune
system in the following by “grabbing” on to selenium, it
disables the selenoenzyme pathway of glutathione peroxidase.