
In: Computer Science

Im getting an error on the Player.h class. Error reads expected initializer before player. I have...

Im getting an error on the Player.h class.
Error reads expected initializer before player.
I have put a comment by the line with the error.
sample out put is
Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors

You played: paper
Computer played: paper

It's a tie

using namespace std;

class Player{
       int play;//variable
   string getPlay();//variables
   void setPlay(string play);
   void setPlay(int play);

string Player = getPlay(){//error

   if( == 1){
       return "rock";        
       else if( == 2){
           return "paper";
       else if( == 3){
           return "scissors";
       return "invalid";
   void Player :: setPlay(stringPlay){//set players string play
   if(play == "rock"){ = 1;
   else if(play == "paper"){ = 2;
   else if(play == "scissors"){
       this->play = 3;
   void Player :: setPlay(int play){//set players int play = play;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int comupterPlay;//varriables
   int lastPlay;
   string userPlay;
   Player computer;
   Player player;
       cout<<"Type rock, paper, scissors: ";//get users play
       player.setPlay(userPlay);//set users play
           computerPlay = rand() % 3 + 1;//get computers random play
           while(computerPlay == lastPlay);//set computers play
           lastPlay = computerPlay;
           cout<<"Computer played: "<<computer.getPlay()<<endl;
           displayWinner(computer.getPlay(), player.getPlay())<<endl;
           return 0:      
   void displayWinner(string com, string player){//define winner
       if(com== "rock" && player == "rock")
cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;
else if(com=="rock" && player =="paper")
cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;
else if(com=="rock" && player=="scissors")
cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;
else if(com=="paper" && player=="paper")
cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;
else if(com=="paper" && player=="scissors")
cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;
else if(com=="paper" && player=="rock")
cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;
else if(com=="scissors" && player=="scissors")
cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;
else if(com=="scissors" && player=="rock")
cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;
else if(com=="scissors" && player=="paper")
cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;


Expert Solution


Player.h file:


using namespace std;

class Player{


int play;//variable


string getPlay();//variables

void setPlay(string Play);

void setPlay(int play);


string Player::getPlay(){

if(this->play == 1){

return "rock";


else if(this->play == 2){

return "paper";


else if(this->play == 3){

return "scissors";


return "invalid";


void Player :: setPlay(string Play){//set players string play

if(Play == "rock"){

this->play = 1;


else if(Play == "paper"){

this->play = 2;


else if(Play == "scissors"){

this->play = 3;



void Player :: setPlay(int play){//set players int play

this->play = play;



#include <iostream>

#include "player.h"

using namespace std;

void displayWinner(string com, string player){//define winner

if(com== "rock" && player == "rock")

cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;

else if(com=="rock" && player =="paper")

cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;

else if(com=="rock" && player=="scissors")

cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;

else if(com=="paper" && player=="paper")

cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;

else if(com=="paper" && player=="scissors")

cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;

else if(com=="paper" && player=="rock")

cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;

else if(com=="scissors" && player=="scissors")

cout<<"It's a tie"<<endl;

else if(com=="scissors" && player=="rock")

cout<<"Player wins"<<endl;

else if(com=="scissors" && player=="paper")

cout<<"Computer wins"<<endl;


int main() {

int computerPlay;//varriables

int lastPlay;

string userPlay;

Player computer;

Player player;

cout<<"Type rock, paper, scissors: ";//get users play


player.setPlay(userPlay);//set users play


computerPlay = rand() % 3 + 1;//get computers random play

}while(computerPlay == lastPlay);//set computers play

lastPlay = computerPlay;


cout<<"Computer played: "<<computer.getPlay()<<endl;

displayWinner(computer.getPlay(), player.getPlay());


return 0;


Code screenshot:

Code output screenshot:

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