
In: Computer Science

I keep getting this error "LetterDemo.cs(21,14): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `string' in class, struct, or interface...

I keep getting this error "LetterDemo.cs(21,14): error CS1519: Unexpected symbol `string' in class, struct, or interface member declaration"

Can someone please help me.

Here is my code:

using static System.Console;

class LetterDemo


   static void Main()


     Letter letter1 = new Letter();

     CertifiedLetter letter2 = new CertifiedLetter();

     letter1.Name = "Electric Company";

     letter1.Date = "02/14/18";

     letter2.Name = "Howe and Morris, LLC";

     letter2.Date = "04/01/2019";

     letter2.TrackingNumber = "i2YD45";


     WriteLine(letter2.ToString() +

      " Tracking number: " + letter2.TrackingNumber);



class Letter


  pubic string Name {get; set;}

  pubic string Date {get; set;}

  public new string ToString()


    return(GetType() + " To: " + Name + " Date mailed : " + Date);



class CertifiedLetter : Letter


  public string TrackingNumber {get; set;}



Expert Solution

C# Program:

using static System.Console;
class LetterDemo{
    static void Main() {
        Letter letter1 = new Letter();
        CertifiedLetter letter2 = new CertifiedLetter();
        letter1.Name = "Electric Company";
        letter1.Date = "02/14/18";
        letter2.Name = "Howe and Morris, LLC";
        letter2.Date = "04/01/2019";
        letter2.TrackingNumber = "i2YD45";
        WriteLine(letter2.ToString() + " Tracking number: " + letter2.TrackingNumber);

class Letter
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public string Date {get; set;}

    public new string ToString()
        return(GetType() + " To: " + Name + " Date mailed : " + Date);

class CertifiedLetter : Letter
  public string TrackingNumber {get; set;}


NOTE: You did very small mistake

pubic string Name {get; set;} ==> pubic is nothing in programming language, should be public

pubic string Date {get; set;} ==> same as above

Thumbs Up Please !!!

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