
In: Computer Science

IM GETTING A ERROR MESSAGE : if rentalCode == 'W' and averageMiles <= 900: mileCharge =...


if rentalCode == 'W' and averageMiles <= 900:
mileCharge = weeksRented * 100.00

Collect Customer Data - Part 2

  1. Collect Mileage information:

    Prompt: "Starting Odometer Reading:\n"

    Variable: odoStart = ?

    Prompt: "Ending Odometer Reading:\n"

    Variable: odoEnd = ?

    Add code to PRINT odoStart and odoEnd variables as well as the totalMiles to check your work.

    The following data will be used as input in the test:

    odoStart = 1234
    odoEnd = 2222

    Collect Customer Data - Part 2 - Feedback Link

    IF you would like some constructive feedback on your assignment before you submit for a grade, press the Help Me! button below.

    Help Me!

    Customer Data Check 2

    In your file, add code to print out the two new variables you have collected input for:

    1. Prompt the user to input the starting odometer reading (expect type int from the user)
    2. Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading (expect type int from the user)
      1. Test your code.
      2. import sys
        Section 1: Collect customer input
        #Add customer input 1 here, rentalCode = ?
        rentalCode = input("(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental?\n")
        print (rentalCode)
        #Collect Customer Data - Part 2

        #4)Collect Mileage information:
        #a)   Prompt the user to input the starting odometer reading and store it as the variable odoStart

        #Prompt -->"Starting Odometer Reading:\n"
        # odoStart = ?
        odoStart = input('Starting Odometer Reading: ')
        #b)   Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading and store it as the variable odoEnd

        #Prompt -->"Ending Odometer Reading:"
        # odoEnd = ?
        odoEnd = input('Ending Odometer Reading: ')
        #c) Calculate total miles
        totalMiles = int(odoEnd) - int(odoStart)
        #Print odoStart, odoEnd and totalMiles
        print (odoStart)
        print (odoEnd)
        print (totalMiles)

        # Calculate Charges 2

        ##   Calculate the mileage charge and store it as
        # the variable mileCharge:

        #a)   Code 'B' (budget) mileage charge: $0.25 for each mile driven
        if rentalCode == "B":
        mileCharge = totalMiles * 0.25
        #b)   Code 'D' (daily) mileage charge: no charge if the average
        # number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less;
        # i)   Calculate the averageDayMiles (totalMiles/rentalPeriod)
        elif rentalCode == "D":
        averageDayMiles = totalMiles/rentalPeriod
        if averageDayMiles <= 100:
        extraMiles == 0
        # ii)   If averageDayMiles is above the 100 mile per day
        # limit:
        # (1)   calculate extraMiles (averageDayMiles - 100)
        if totalMiles >= 100 and rentalCode == 'D':
        # (2)   mileCharge is the charge for extraMiles,
        mileCharge = totalMiles * int(rentalPeriod) *0.25   
        #c)   Code 'W' (weekly) mileage charge: no charge if the
        # average number of miles driven per week is
        # 900 miles or less;
        if rentalCode == 'W' and averageMiles <= 900:
        mileCharge = weeksRented * 100.00
        mileCharge = 0
        # i)   Calculate the averageWeekMiles (totalMiles/ rentalPeriod)
        # ii)   mileCharge is $100.00 per week if the average number of miles driven per week exceeds 900 miles
        if rentalCode == 'W' and averageMiles >= 900:
        mileCharge = weeksRented * 100.00
        print('Charges : ${}'.format(mileCharge))


Expert Solution

If you have any doubts, please give me comment...

import sys


Section 1: Collect customer input


#Add customer input 1 here, rentalCode = ?

rentalCode = input ("(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental? ")


if rentalCode == "B" or rentalCode == "D":

    rentalPeriod = int(input("Number of Days Rented: "))


    rentalPeriod = int(input("Number of Weeks Rented: "))

if rentalCode == "B":

    baseCharge= rentalPeriod * 40.00

elif rentalCode == "D":

    baseCharge= rentalPeriod * 60.00


    baseCharge= rentalPeriod * 190.00

#Collect Customer Data - Part 2

#4)Collect Mileage information:

#a)   Prompt the user to input the starting odometer reading and store it as the variable odoStart

#Prompt -->"Starting Odometer Reading:\n"

# odoStart = ?

odoStart = int(input("Starting Odometer Reading: "))

#b)   Prompt the user to input the ending odometer reading and store it as the variable odoEnd

#Prompt -->"Ending Odometer Reading:"

# odoEnd = ?

odoEnd = int(input("Ending Odometer Reading: "))

#c) Calculate total miles

totalMiles = int(odoEnd) - int(odoStart)

#Print odoStart, odoEnd and totalMiles

print (odoStart)

print (odoEnd)

print (totalMiles)

averageDayMiles = 0

# Calculate Charges 2

##   Calculate the mileage charge and store it as

# the variable mileCharge:

#a)   Code 'B' (budget) mileage charge: $0.25 for each mile driven

if rentalCode == "B" :

    mileCharge = totalMiles*0.25

    print("Charges: ${}".format(mileCharge))

#b)   Code 'D' (daily) mileage charge: no charge if the average

# number of miles driven per day is 100 miles or less;

elif rentalCode == "D":

    # i)   Calculate the averageDayMiles (totalMiles/rentalPeriod)

    # ii)   If averageDayMiles is above the 100 mile per day

    # limit:

    # (1)   calculate extraMiles (averageDayMiles - 100)

    # (2)   mileCharge is the charge for extraMiles,

    averageDayMiles = totalMiles/rentalPeriod

    if averageDayMiles <=100 :

        extraMiles = 0


        extraMiles = float(averageDayMiles - 100)

    mileCharge = float(extraMiles*0.25)

    print("Charges: ${}".format(mileCharge))

#c)   Code 'W' (weekly) mileage charge: no charge if the

# average number of miles driven per week is

# 900 miles or less;

# i)   Calculate the averageWeekMiles (totalMiles/ rentalPeriod)

# ii)   mileCharge is $100.00 per week if the average number of miles driven per week exceeds 900 miles

elif rentalCode == 'W':

    averageWeeklyMiles = totalMiles/rentalPeriod

    if averageWeeklyMiles <=900:

        extraMiles = 0


        extraMiles = float(totalMiles - 900)

    mileCharge += float(extraMiles*100)

    print("Charges: ${}".format(mileCharge))


    print("Invalid rental code")

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