
In: Psychology

In the case of Pavlov and his dog identify and describe the following: neutral stimulus, unconditioned...

  1. In the case of Pavlov and his dog identify and describe the following: neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.


Expert Solution

Pavlov's Dog Experiment:

  • Pavlov observed that Dog salivating when it seeing food.
  • He started giving food to the dog after ringing the bell each time.
  • He did this 15 days continuously
  • After 15 days, Dog salivating by hearing the ring of the bell.
  • Dog salivating without seeing any food, it salivating just by hearing the sound of the bell.

Unconditioned Stimulus: Food is the unconditioned Stimulus. Because Naturally food creating salivation in the dog. No previous learning is required to get that response from the dog. That's why food is the unconditioned stimulus in this experiment.

Unconditioned Response: A response that comes because of unconditioned stimulus is called an unconditioned response. Here salivation came because of the unconditioned stimulus ( food). That's why salvation is the unconditioned response.

Neutral Stimulus: A stimulus that initially creates no response in living creatures. Initially, the bell creates no response in the dog. That's why the bell is a neutral stimulus.

Conditioned Stimulus: A stimulus that creates response in living creatures after learning occurred. Bell creating salivation in the dog after learning occurred. That's why the bell is the conditioned stimulus.

Conditioned Response: A response because of conditioned stimulus is called Conditioned response. Salivation is the response because of the bell. That's why salivation is the conditioned response.

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