In: Anatomy and Physiology
1. Which of the following is only found in the afferent division?
a. ANS
b. parasympathetic
c. effectors
d. SNS
e. Receptors
2. Where on a neuron does it receive most of its incoming information?
a. telodendria
b. synaptic terminals
c. axon
d. initial segment
e. Dendrites
3. Which of the following is NOT paired correctly?
a. unipolar neurons : rare, only in brain
b. bipolar neurons : sight information
c. multipolar neurons : most abundant in CNS
d. anaxonic neurons : found in brain
e. multipolar neurons : carries motor information
4. The function(s) of myelination is for
a. electrical insulation
b. protection from damage
c. speeding up action potentials
d. differentiating between sensory and motor
e. both A and C
5. Which of the following is FALSE regarding resting transmembrane potentials?
a. the plasma membrane is not equally permeable to all ions.
b. membrane potential is more negative on the inside of the cell.
c. higher concentration of sodium outside the cell.
d. potassium gets actively pumped out of the cell.
e. electrical and chemical gradients are actively maintained.
Answer 1)E) Receptor
Receptor carry the Sensory information and it forms the Afferent division of reflex arc and Efferent divison reaches the effector organs .
Answer2 ) E)Dendrities
Dendrites: are known as receptor zone where it receives the signals fron other dendrites and graded electrogenesis occurs.
Answer 3)A)Rare ,only in Brain
Correct statement -->They are located in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and in autonomic ganglia.
Answer 4)A and C (Electrical Insulation and speeding up of action potential )
Myelination of nerve done by Schwann cells help in insulation and faster conduction of impulse from one junction to another known as Saltatory conduction .
Answer5) D)Potassium get actively pumped out if cell
Na+/K+ ATPase pump creates a concentration gradient by moving 3Na+ out of the cell and 2K+ into the cell. Na+ is being pumped out and K+ pumped in against their concentration gradients.This creates negativity inside cell as one extras sodium is pump out and result in Generation of negativity inside the cell and Resting membrane potential