
In: Electrical Engineering

knn based classification with pcasvd reduction technique apply it for classification.function parts are nedded. Write a...

knn based classification with pcasvd reduction technique apply it for classification.function parts are nedded.

Write a matlab code

if you know the answer then only write.or else leave it for others.

image processing ELETRICAL


Expert Solution


function result = knnclassification(testsamplesX,samplesX, samplesY, Knn,type)

% Classify using the Nearest neighbor algorithm

% Inputs:

% samplesX - Train samples

% samplesY - Train labels

% testsamplesX - Test samples

% Knn - Number of nearest neighbors


% Outputs

% result - Predicted targets

if nargin < 5

type = '2norm';


L = length(samplesY);

Uc = unique(samplesY);

if (L < Knn),

error('You specified more neighbors than there are points.')


N = size(testsamplesX, 1);

result = zeros(N,1);

switch type

case '2norm'

for i = 1:N,

dist = sum((samplesX - ones(L,1)*testsamplesX(i,:)).^2,2); %rowwise sum

[m, indices] = sort(dist);  

n = hist(samplesY(indices(1:Knn)), Uc);

[m, best] = max(n);

result(i) = Uc(best);


case '1norm'

for i = 1:N,

dist = sum(abs(samplesX - ones(L,1)*testsamplesX(i,:)),2);

[m, indices] = sort(dist);

n = hist(samplesY(indices(1:Knn)), Uc);

[m, best] = max(n);

result(i) = Uc(best);


case 'match'

for i = 1:N,

dist = sum(samplesX == ones(L,1)*testsamplesX(i,:),2);

[m, indices] = sort(dist);

n = hist(samplesY(indices(1:Knn)), Uc);

[m, best] = max(n);

result(i) = Uc(best);



error('Unknown measure function');


%% RUN command:- result = knnclassification(featureVectorNorm,featureVectorNorm, targetVector, 1,'2norm')


% this is sometimes faster than the transpose eigenvalue method with

% very large dimensions and small no. of examples

function [U,d] = pcasvd(X,n,smallest)

% X : nt x n, where nt examples of feature vecs of size n

% n returns n dimensions

% smallest is 1 when we want the evecs assoc with the smallest evals

% % U is evecs, d is diagonals

% Copyright (c) 2013, Vipin Vijayan.

if nargin < 3, smallest = 0; end;

[U,S] = svd(X,'econ');

s = diag(S);

if ~smallest,

tol = max(size(X)) * max(s) * eps(class(X));

n = min(n, sum(s > tol));

U = U(:,1:n);

s = s(1:n);


n = min(n, size(U,2));

U = U(:,end:-1:end-n+1);

s = s(end:-1:end-n+1);


d = s.^2; % D = diag(s.^2);


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