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Using R Question 3. kNN Classification 3.1 Read in iris dataset using “data(iris)”. Describe the features...

Using R

Question 3. kNN Classification
3.1 Read in iris dataset using “data(iris)”. Describe the features in the data using summary
3.2 Randomize the iris data set, mix it up and normalize it
3.3 split data into training & testing (70/30 split)
3.4 Train model in data and use crosstable function to evaluate the results
3.5 Rerun your code for K=10 and 100. Compare results and explain


Expert Solution

code :

output :

raw_code :



data("iris") #loading dataset



rnum<- sample(rep(1:150))

iris <- iris[rnum,] #randomizing

#normalizing the data between values 0 and 1
normalize <- function(m){
return ((m-min(m))/(max(m)-min(m)))

#splitting into 70/30
iris.train<-[1:105,]<- iris[1:105,5]
iris.test<-[106:150,]<- iris[106:150,5]

model1 <- knn(train=iris.train, test=iris.test,, k=10)
model2 <- knn(train=iris.train, test=iris.test,, k=100)


Result : k=10 gave better accuracy than k=100. When k increases overfitting increases , so accuracy decreases.

***do comment for queries and rate me up**

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