In: Accounting
Discuss cost classification based on variability and controllability..
On the basis of variability , cost is classified into three
1. FIXED COST- Fixed costs are the costs that don't chnage with the
level of production, upto a certain level of capacity . Even at
zero level of production, these costs remain the same. Fixed costs
can never be zero. Per unit fixed costs change with the level of
production . It has an inverse relation with the level of
production .Example- rent of factory, insurance, salaries
2. VARIABLE COST- Variable costs are the costs that chnage
proportionately with the change in out. The variable cost per unit
is usually constant, unless change in conditions are there.At zero
level of production , variable costs are zero. Variable costs arise
only when there is production activity.It is also called marginal
cost or direct cost. Example- direct materials, direct labour
3 SEMI VARIABLE COST- Semi variable costs have the characteristics
of both fixed cost and variable cost. These costs vary with the
level of production but not in direct proportion to the level of
production. These costs remain fixed but varies when production
goes beyond a certain level. It does not change with every increase
or decrease in production. These costs are also not usually zero.
Exmaples- depreciation, maintenance of equipment, electricity,
administrative expense etc
On the basis of contollability, costs can be classified into 2
1. CONTROLLABLE COSTS- These are the costs which can be influenced
by the decisions of management. Costs are at least partly within
the control of the management. The direct costs such as material
cost, direct labour costs are somewhat in control of the
management. They can reduce or increase the cost based on the
sources from where these resources are obtained and how they
utilize these resources.
2. UNCONTOLLABLE COSTS- These are the costs which cannot be
influenced by the managemnt . These costs cannot be controlled by
any action taken by the management. Most fixed costs are
uncontrollable costs, such as rent of the factory.