In: Psychology
Victimology is the study of the victims of crime and the psychological effects of their experience. Benjamin Mendelsohn, an attorney has been referred to as the father of victimology. Followed by civil right movement, the awareness regarding victims got improved. Behavioural Science Unit formed in 1972 and other organisations like MADP, POMC were also started to study about various crimes.
There are varous theories related to victimology in various periods. That are given below,
In 1960, Victim precipitation theory states that the victims actions and reactions against offender lead to an increase in crimes.
During 1970's 'The exposure and opportunity theory' states that the environmental factors like low income, poverty can lead to crimes.
During the time period between 1970 to 1990 , victimology focused on domestic violence and the cycle of violence.
In 1990 and the 2000 'control theory' states that the offenders have lack of external as well as internal control on their behaviors.
Currently, in 21st century, critical theory states that victimization is as a result of ethnic, racial, gender factors. They believe that the minority gender, racial and ethnic groups are more vulnarable to crimes but, in my opinion, this concept can lead to racial discrimination. There is no group of genes new to any racial groups which leads to a particular vulnarability or behavior. In my belief, today's view of victimology is not acceptable. Because crimes are related to a person's innate characters as well as the environment. Nature as well as nurture is important here. There are minority racial groups, ethnic groups with low crime rate. So, we can't generalise the concept of critical theory to the entire community.