Ans: For external (off chip) memory expansion MCS-51
microcontroller uses three control signals which are listed and
their functions are explained below;
- EA (External Access): It is an active low signal whenever there
is need of external memory expansion then this EA signal is
connected to ground. When there is no need of memory expansion then
the signal EA is connected to Vcc.
- PSEN (Program store enable): This is also an active low pin.
This pin is used to read the signal from external program memory
during the time of external memory interfacing
- ALE (Address Latch Enable): In MCS 51 address and data bus are
multiplexed in many ports. ALE signal is used for separating / DE
multiplexing the address OR data signals of port 0 of MCS51
External memory interfacing
for RAM as well as ROM is shown for ROM initial address is 0000H to
FFFF Hso total addressable memory will be of 64 KB and for RAM
initial address is 2000H to FFFFH so the total addressable memory
will be 49,152 bytes which is 49KB's. This is shown in the
interfacing diagram.