In: Other
Let’s explore the scientific method. Here is the situation: We are planting a garden. We have a variety of bulbs and potted plants. We do not have any directions on how or when to plant each of these items. We do not have any gardening books, magazines, or access to the Internet (Oh, the horror!). We need to observe a number of characteristics for these plants. What are some of the characteristics that we want to observe? What might be your initial hypothesis? How would you set up an experiment to test your hypothesis?
Characteristics -
1) we need to observe the Health of the plant
2) we need to observe the growth of the plant
3) we need to observe for the health and growth of the plant the artificial light or natural light which is better
4) we need to observe in which conditions the yield of the plant is better
Hypothesis -
Natural light received from the sun is always a better source of light for the healthy and fast growth of the potted plants.
Procedure -
1) Take two bulbs and two potted plants and these two plants put in two different pots but the quantity of soil remains the same.
2) Give proper source of light whether natural light or artificial light and mark on the pot which pot receives the natural and which receives artificial.
3) A one bulb and one potted plant is put under the influence of artificial light
4) A one bulb and one potted plant is put under the influence of natural light
5) provide Two cups of water (same quantity) to each plant.
6) Now observe carefully the health and growth of the each plant.
7) Check and compare the results with respect to yield, health and growth of the two plants after two weeks.
8) finally, if our hypothesis is found to be right use the natural source of the light for the potted plants in the garden.