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Circle Class Write a Circle class that has the following member variables: • radius: a double...

Circle Class

Write a Circle class that has the following member variables:
• radius: a double
• pi: a double initialized with the value 3.14159

The class should have the following member functions:

• Default Constructor. A default constructor that sets radius to 0.0.
• Constructor. Accepts the radius of the circle as an argument.
• setRadius. A mutator function for the radius variable.
• getRadius. An accessor function for the radius variable.
• getArea. Returns the area of the circle, which is calculated as area = pi * radius * radius
• getDiameter. Returns the diameter of the circle, which is calculated as diameter = radius * 2
• getCircumference. Returns the circumference of the circle, which is calculated as circumference = 2 * pi * radius

Write a program that demonstrates the Circle class by asking the user for the circle’s radius, creating a Circle object, and then reporting the circle’s area, diameter, and circumference.

SAMPLE RUN #0: ./circle_Non-Interactive

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out put must be like sample run. HELP PLEASE


Expert Solution

Java Program

import java.util.Scanner;   //importing Scanner utility class

public class Main   //Main class with main method for testing Circle class
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(;    
            System.out.print("Enter radius: "); //getting raidus input
            double radius = sc.nextDouble();    
            Circle circle = new Circle();   //creating a circle object by default constructor
            circle.setRadius(radius);   //setting circle raidus to user inputted radius
            Circle circle2 = new Circle(10);    //creating circle2 by parametrized constructor 

class Circle    //Circle class definition
    public static double pi;    //class variable
    public double radius;       //object variable
    static      //static block executed only once when the class is loaded for the first time
        pi = 3.14159;   //initializing static variables
    Circle()    //default constructor called everytime an object is created
        radius = 0.0;
    Circle(double r)    //parametrized constructor
        radius = r;
    public void setRadius(double r) //setter method
        radius = r;
    public double getRadius()   //getter method
        return radius;
    public double getArea()     //computes and returns area of circle 
        return pi*radius*radius;
    public double getDiameter() //computes and returns circle diameter
        return 2*radius;
    public double getCircumference()    //computes and returns circle circumference
        return 2*pi*radius;

Program Screenshot


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