In: Computer Science
In C++, write a member method delete() that deletes a node from a linked list at a random position. (It should first randomly generate that position. and then delete that node).
The required method is highlighted as bold in the below source code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//structure declaration
struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *head = NULL;
//function to count the size of the linked list
int size()
//declare a structure type variable and initialize with head
struct node *ptr = head;
int count = 0;
while(ptr != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
return count;
//function to check if list is empty or not
bool isEmpty()
//declare a structure type variable and initialize with head
struct node *ptr = head;
int count = 0;
while(ptr != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
return true;
return false;
//function to print the node value with address
void printList()
//declare a structure type variable and initialize with head
struct node *ptr = head;
while(ptr != NULL)
//display the node address, value stored in node and the address of
the next node
cout<<ptr->data<<" ";
//assign the pointer to the next node
ptr = ptr->next;
//function to add a new node at the end of the linked list
void addLast(int data)
//declare a structure type variable and initialize with head
struct node *ptr = head;
struct node *link = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct
while(ptr != NULL)
//assign the pointer to the next node
ptr = ptr->next;
//assign the new node data field with the paramener value
link->data = data;
//assigne the new node address field with the head pointer
link->next = NULL;
//assign the head node to the new node
ptr->next = link;
//function to add a new node at the beginning of the linked
void addFirst(int data)
struct node *link = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct
//assign the new node data field with the paramener value
link->data = data;
//assigne the new node address field with the head pointer
link->next = head;
//assign the head node to the new node
head = link;
//function to delete a node
void delete(int pos)
struct node *headNode = head;
if (headNode == NULL)
struct node* temp = headNode;
if (pos == 0)
headNode = temp->next;
for (int i=0; temp!=NULL && i<pos-1; i++)
temp = temp->next;
if (temp == NULL || temp->next == NULL)
struct node *next = temp->next->next;
temp->next = next;
int main()
//insert value
int sz = size();
int loc = rand() % sz;
//display the linked list by calling printList() function
cout<<"The linked list is: "<<endl;
return 0;
The linked list is:
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