In: Psychology
Module seven introduces us to experimental, quasi-experimental, and ex post facto research designs. Three terms that are important for us are: independent variable, dependent variable, and confounding variable. Using your research problem, explain how each of these variable may or may not impact your research design. Your explanation should provide evidence of your understanding of the terms.
Quasi-experimental : it is non random and manipulative. lack of ethic and random experimental trait.
Ex post facto research designs : in support of quasi- experiment, where an independent variable affects a dependent variable.
Independent variable : manipulative and does not depend on a variable.for experimental purpose.
example: effect of rain on a village, rain is the independent variable.
dependent variable : variable that is true to be experimented and measured. to see if the independent variable has an effect.
example : the effect of rain on a village, rain is the independent variable and you are measuring the village. other way, down pour of rain effected the village.
confounding variable: interferes with the results of the study. It affects the dependent variable; causing confusion whether the effects are caused by the independent variable or the confounding variable. Confounding variables change with the independent variable as it is unintentionally affecting the experiment.
example: effect of rain on a village, rain is the independent variable, dependent variable is the effect of rain on village an confounding variable is maybe the rain was tolerable.
based on the above variable:
example: you want to study the effect of food consumption time and energy on a test. you have 3 different groups.
Group 1 - will eat for 5 minutes.
Group 2 - will eat for 10 minutes.
Group 3 - will eat for 20 minutes.
the measure the average energy:
independent variable: hours of consumption
dependent variable : quantity/ energy/ type of food.
control group- group 1
experimental group - group 2 and 3
the group eating for 20 minutes have the same energy as the group that is not eating. is there a problem?
you discovered that the group eating for 20 minutes ate less and nutritious food. is their energy caused by how much they ate or by the quality of food? you don't know.
this is called confounding variable.
causing confusion before you draw a conclusion.