
In: Computer Science

JAVA: Write a program to perform time conversion. The user will select from the following menu:...


Write a program to perform time conversion. The user will select from the following menu: Hours to minutes Days to hours Minutes to hours Hours to days. Each choice has a separate method which is called when the user makes the selection. Please see the output below: Hours to minutes. 2. Days to hours. 3. Minutes to hours. 4. Hours to days. Enter your choice: 2 Enter the number of days: 5 There are 120 hours in 5 days.


Expert Solution


import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Scanner class declaration

int choice=0; // variable declaration

System.out.println("1 Hours to minutes");

System.out.println("2 Days to hours");

System.out.println("3 Minutes to hours");

System.out.println("4 Hours to days");

System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");

choice=sc.nextInt(); // Accept the choice from the user

switch(choice) // switch case to select the choice


case 1:hoursToMinutes(); // If you want to choose hours to minutes conversion


case 2:daysToHours(); // If you want to choose days to hours conversion


case 3:minutesToHours(); // If you want to choose minutes to hours conversion


case 4:hoursToDays(); // If you want to choose hours to Days conversion




public static void hoursToMinutes() { // called function

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Scanner class declaration

int minutes; // variable declaration

System.out.print("Enter the number of hours: ");

int hours=sc.nextInt(); // Accept the number of hours

minutes = hours*60; // calculate minutes

System.out.println("There are "+minutes+" minutes in "+hours+" hours."); // print the number of minutes


public static void daysToHours() { // called function

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Scanner class declaration

int hours; // variable declaration

System.out.print("Enter the number of days: ");

int days=sc.nextInt(); // Accept number of days

hours = days*24; // calculate numebr of hours

System.out.println("There are "+hours+" hours in "+days+" days"); // print the number of hours


public static void minutesToHours() { // called function

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Scanner class declaration

float hours; // variable declaration

System.out.print("Enter the number of minutes: ");

int minutes=sc.nextInt(); // Accept the number of minutes

hours = (float)minutes/60; // calculate the number of hours

System.out.println("There are "+hours+" hours in "+minutes+" minutes"); // print the number of hours


public static void hoursToDays() { // called function

Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Scanner class declaration

float days; // variable declaration

System.out.print("Enter the number of hours: ");

int hours=sc.nextInt(); // Accept the number of hours

days = (float)hours/24; // calculate the number of days`

System.out.println("There are "+days+" days in "+hours+" hours"); // print the number of days




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