Write the VHDL codes for (7494) 4 bit shift register using
Behavioral style of modeling. this is the datasheet for this
Quation (
write the report about (7494) Design and implementation of 4 bit
shift register using Behavioral style of modeling
1-truth table
2. VHDL program cods
3. Conclusion
Should reflect on what logic is implemented, what modelling
style is used to implement the logic. Discuss simulation and board
level testing results.
(7494) Design and implementation of 4 bit shift register using
Behavioral style of modeling .... by VHDL .. the program should
based on the data sheet of 7494 and the truth table ... 13 input
and one output D.
Design a 4-bit bidirectional serial-in-serial-out shift register
using S-R flip flops that trigger on the negative–edge transition.
EXPLAIN its operation if binary input 0101 is applied to the
register which initially holds binary data 1101. DRAW the
timing-diagram for serial-in operation in right-shift mode
Write the Verilog code for a 12-bit shift register with ability
to shift left or right, synchronized parallel load, asynchronous
reset, and serial output? The register is able to load the 12-bit
input value (at the positive edge of the clock) if the load signal
is one, shift the value in register one bit to the right (at the
positive edge of the clock) if the rss signal is one, shift the
value in register one bit to the left(at...
1. write a truth table using this symbol: -->
2. write the inputs for the truth table to the left of the
--> and write the outputs for the truth table to the right of
the -->
3. write the compliment, or NOT using '
As an example:
The truth table for AND is written this way:
A B --> A AND B
0 0 --> 0
0 1 --> 0
1 0 --> 0
1 1 --> 1