
In: Computer Science

How to use computer system in a convenient way?? give me some ideas

How to use computer system in a convenient way??

give me some ideas


Expert Solution

Some ideas on how a computer system is used in a convenient way:
Any and all computer systems or simply a computer provide a lot of convenience to almost any set of people, for almost any aspect of life, and for almost any purpose. The main intention and reason why someone uses a computer system are for convenience, well suited with a person's needs, activities, work, and plans, with little or the least trouble, errors, mistakes, or wrong-doing, problems, or effort. Using computer systems, thus one can achieve a task and complete work without- difficulties, much consumption of time, effort, money, travel, energy, much education, physical strain, stress, pressure, and many other factors.

Computer systems provide convenience providing us- a lot of benefits, quickness, simplicity, them being very useful (in a positive and constructive way), they are good, handy, user-friendly, they are light-weight, some even eco-friendly, provide us comfortability, they ease us from difficult work, they provide us enjoyment and entertainment amusing us, and provide us satisfaction in terms of job and money. They, in turn, make us feel happy and make us live our lives with peace of mind.

The first and very obvious reasons why anyone would use a computer system is for shopping online on the Internet through e-commerce websites, buying almost anything and everything, from any where, at anytime, letting anyone to do so, from any computer system or device, using so many options for payment modes, at the comfort of one's home, without anyone ever going to a shop and making a purchase. Also, almost all the products or services can be delivered and received at the user's residence.

One can even pay his/her bills or any utility bills online on the Internet using a computer system. They are used by people to communicate amongst themselves who are tens and thousands of miles away, not only on this Earth but also who are in space.

Computer systems are convenient in the way, they perform operations, calculations, computations speedily, precisely, and accurately. The activities or work can be scaled enormously. Hence, using a computer system work can be performed effectively, efficiently, quickly, and they store huge amount of data in very less space, using less and very small devices without using any physical papers, any other machines, huge boxes, etc.

Almost everything and all activities can be done virtually online on the Internet or simply offline using a computer system. One can apply to jobs on many job portals on the Internet; even interviews are conducted using the Internet and the computer systems, one can learn and teach online using these systems; financing, trading, banking, stocks, shares, investments, bidding, buying, selling, and others can be done using these systems. Collaboration, innovations, discoveries, and inventions can be done using these computer systems, including building things, products, games, software, ideas, etc.

One can draw (also in 3D), paint, sing, capture dance, play games, watch movies, shows, programs, listen to songs, music, podcasts, debates, interviews, attend seminars, meetings, webinars, huddles, chat session, audio, video calls, send emails (online or simply electronic letters or emails).

Hence, computer systems can be used conveniently without indulging in activities "physically" in a world where it takes a lot of time to move, travel from one place to another, especially with huge traffic of vehicles on the roads.

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