
In: Computer Science

Consider a network with network ID. Split the network into two subnets, A and B...

  1. Consider a network with network ID. Split the network into two subnets, A and B and provide the IP range, network ID, and broadcast of each. Show your work
  2. What is TCP three-step handshake? What happens if the handshake is not successfully completed?
  3. What technological development led to the CSMA/CD protocols becoming obsolete?
  4. Give an example of a networking protocol that we have discussed in class that utilizes UDP over TCP. Provide two pros and two cons to switiching the protocol over to tcp


Expert Solution

Answer 1:

We have given, Network ID =

Here /24 means network bits or continuous number of 1's = 24

So network bits = 24, host bits = 32 - network bits = 32 - 24 = 8 bits

In question, it is asking two splits the network into two subnets, so we have to choose 1 bit from the host part = 2^1 = 2 subnets

First Subnet:

Network ID =

Here we fix the first bit of host id = 0

192.168.56. 00000000 = is the network ID for the first subnet



. = 25 is the broadcast ID for the first subnet

Second Subnet:

Here first bit chosen for subnetting from the host id will be fixed as 1 = is the subnet ID for the second subnet.



. = is the broadcast address of the second subnet ( here /25 because now the network ID has 25 bits because 1 bit is chosen from the host part of the IP address).

Subnet Mask : /24 = 24 network bits, thus 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 =

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