In: Nursing
Ethics is a code of moral conduct practiced by an individual or a group of people. It influence how we make our decision or choices and how we wanna live our lives. Its is our moral values and principles.
The code of ethics in nursing is a a statement of ethical values and principles that nurses need to follow when providing care for there patients. It also help nurses on there decision making process and provides guidance if an ethical issue arise between the nurse and the person he or she is giving care.
The seven primary values are:
A. Providing safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care
as nurses it is our responsibility to provide safe and comfortable environment to our patients. We should show our patients compassionate care not only through speech but also through our gestures and body language. We should respect them equally regardless of their race, color or age.
B. Promoting health and well-being
as nurses it is our responsibility to help patient achieve their highest possible level of health and well being. Nurses should use the values and principles of health care while giving care to their patients. Nurses collaborate with other health-care providers and others to maximize patients health benefit and know patients health-care needs and concerns, recognizing and respecting the knowledge, skills and perspectives of all.
C. Promoting and respecting informed decision-making
nurses are the patients advocate we should acknowledge, consider and promote patients right to be informed and make decision.
D. Honouring dignity
Nurses should acknowledge and respect each individuals value. We should maintain their dignity and integrity.
E. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality
One of nurses priority is to provide privacy and confidentiality on all the diagnoses and treatment of their patients. Nurses gather data, use and disclose health information on a need-to-know basis with the highest degree of anonymity possible in conformity with privacy laws.
F. Promoting justice
Nurses support principles of justice through protecting human rights, equality and fairness. Nurses do not discriminate. Nurses give care in a non bias manner either the patient is a victim or an abuser.
G. Being accountable
Nurses are responsible for their action and liable for their practice. Nurses work according to their level of competence if they think something is above they capability they should seek help rather than risk committing mistake. Nurses share their knowledge and provide feedback, mentors and guide nursing students or other member of medical team.
HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - is a law that render data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information.
1. Individual didn't know they violated HIPAA
2. Reasonable cause and not willful neglect
3. Willful neglect but corrected within time
4. Willful neglect and is not corrected