In: Psychology
For this assignment, I would like you to think about gender differences as it relates to intimacy. Write an essay of at least 5 paragraphs that discuss research findings and share your own opinion on the differences in how men and women relate to intimate relationships. This includes sharing feelings, physical intimacy, responding to acts of infidelity in a relationship, being open about issues and problems in the relationship, sharing responsibilities, etc.
Gender differences in Intimacy
Intimacy is an important ingredient in forming and maintaining relationship. Intimacy refers to comfortably sharing the physical and emotional space with another person. In romantic relationships intimacy refers to the sexual intimacy between the couple. The concept of intimacy is different to men and women. In friendships, women are more intimate with each other compared to men. They exhibit intimacy through hugs and kisses. While men are more comfortable in sharing physical space with opposite sex, be it friendships or romantic relationships.
Women tend to share a lot of details about their personal, social and sexual life with their friends. While men don't generally indulge in such conversations with their friends. They spent time by doing certain activities together like travelling, gaming, having a beer together etc. As long as the communication continues, the friendships of women last long. While men may not keep in tough through mails, phone conversations and chats. They prefer spending time together as long as they are together.
When it comes to infidelity, women are more serious about emotional infidelity. They are usually forgiving about the sexual activity of their partner outside the marriage. But if emotions are involves, it would affect them more. While men are not usually forgiving when their partner involves in sexual infidelity. This might be because that when women involve in sexual infidelity most of the time it leads to an emotional affair. Men tend to be affected more by this.
When issues in own relationships happens, women seeks comfort and advice from their own friends and family. They are ready to share the details about their marriage and relationships. Men usually don't seem advice outside even from their closest friends. Women always need an emotional support while decision-making while men have a mind where everything is separate from each other.
While sharing responsibilities women always opt for the traditional roles of managing house and taking care of children. Men are often considered as the breadwinner of the family. they go out, work and earn money. Men have a traditional role of somebody taking care of his wife and children. But things are changing these days.There are more and more women who go out and work and ear money. There are men who does housework and take care of the children when their wives are working.