
In: Statistics and Probability

SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.195389 R Square 0.038177 Adjusted R Square 0.037333 Standard Error...


Regression Statistics

Multiple R


R Square


Adjusted R Square


Standard Error









Significance F















Standard Error

t Stat


Lower 95%

Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%

Upper 95.0%










X Variable 1









  1. Discuss the statistical significance of the model as whole using the appropriate regression statistic at a 95% level of confidence.
  2. Discuss the statistical significance of the coefficient for the independent variable using the appropriate regression statistic at a 95% level of confidence.
  3. Interpret the coefficient for the independent variable.

What percentage of the observed variation in a person’s income is explained by the model?

  1. Predict the value of a person’s income who is 45 years old, using this regression model.


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b ]

From the ANOVA table given above, value of F-statistics is, 45.2492 and have P-value 2.74E-11.Therefore, at a 95% level of confidence our level of significance α = 5%

that is α =0.05

Hence, P-value =2.74*e^-11 < α =0.05  

We reject H0 because there is strong evidence against H0 and conclude that, model is significantly fitted to the data .


Here, standard error for x-variable (Age) is 1.09E-05 is small indicating less deviation between the observsd and fitted value. Also t-test for regressor gives test statistics value 6.726752 with p-value 2.74E-11.

Hence, P-value < 0.05, We do reject H0 because there is strong evidence against H0 and conclude that, that regression coefficient will be significantly affect on the model.


Here, adjusted R2 =0.037333 , which indicates 3.7% percent of the observed variation in a person’s income is explained by the model.


From the table,our regression equation is,

Person’s income= β0+ β1*Age

                            = 40.19631 + 7.31E-05*Age

To predict the value of a person’s income who is 45 years old, using this regression model,

      Person’s income = 40.19631 + 7.31E-05*40


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