
In: Computer Science

Weekly Assignment images and copyright. you can search the web for... Copyright and the internet Image...

Weekly Assignment images and copyright.

you can search the web for...

  1. Copyright and the internet
  2. Image file types for web pages

(To see how to insert images into your html see the panapto recording "inserting images" or search the internet for inserting html images.) Please note you do not have to insert images in this assignment

In a properly constructed HTML document answer these questions.

In your document head section your title should have your first and last name and "Lecture Assignment 2"

When finished name your html document assignment2Yourlastname.html and submit.

Add a Header section to you the start of your document. In this add the largest heading element with the text

Images and Copyright

Questions 1 and 2 should be inside an article tag with a heading element that says

Image Types

Questions 3,4,5,6 and 7 should be inside an article tag with a heading element that says


Questions 8,9 and 10 should be inside an article tag with a heading element that says

Image optimization

Questions start here.....

  1. What 3 main types of images are used in HTML web Pages?
  2. When would you use each type of the 3 images?
  3. What is copyright? Place in a paragraph element
  4. What is Fair Use in terms of copyright? Place in a paragraph element
  5. List 2 types of copyright licenses and what they are used for.
  6. How can you be sure you have permission to use an image.
  7. (in link tags) List 3 websites where you can find images to use.
  8. What is image compression/optimization? Place inside a paragraph element
  9. Why do we need to compress/optimize our images? Place inside a paragraph element
  10. List 3 tools/software that can be used to compress images (they can be online or installed software)

Add a footer element to the document that contains the copyright symbol The Year and your name


Expert Solution

Save this document as assignment2Yourlastname.html



       <TITLE>Your First and Last name Lecture Assignment 2</TITLE>



       <H1>Images and Copyright</H1>

           <h2>Image Types</h2>
           <p>There are 3 main types of images are used in HTML web Pages namely
                   <li>Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)</li>
                   <li>Portable Network Graphics (PNG) </li>
                   <li>Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)</li>
               The main advantage of Joint Photographic Experts Group(JPEG) format are that it can display millions of colors, and it’s particularly well-suited to high compression levels.
               The Portable Network Graphics(PNGs) are most popular on websites. It will be very useful when we have an image with rapid transitions between colors that need to remain sharp. One major advantage of PNG is that they support transparency. That's why it is fantastic option for logos and icons.
               The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) mostly used this format to showcase animations.

           <p> A copyright is a collection of rights that automatically vest to someone who creates an original work of authorship like a literary work, painting, song, movie or software etc. These rights include the right to reproduce the work, to prepare derivative works, to distribute copies, and to perform and display the work publicly.</p>

           <p> A fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited purpose such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. In other words, fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. </p>

           <p>2 Types of copyright license
                   <li>Collective licensing</li>
                   <li>Direct licensing</li>

           Blanket licences are available for uses such as photocopying for internal use, certain educational and private uses. They can also be for certain reproduction and broadcast uses, public performances and some online licensing of music and recordings. Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization which created several licenses which are simple enough to understand, specifically targeting online creative work.</p>

           <p> permission to use an image involves few steps, first we have communicated to owner and negotiate whether payment is required then we used the resources</p>

           <a href="">Visit!</a><br/>
           <a href="">Visit!</a><br/>
           <a href="">Visit!</a>

           <h2>Image optimization</h2>
           <p>Compression/optimization refers to reduces image detail and size by removing some of its header information.</p>
           <p>Compression/optimization needed to optimize our website images in oreder to improve our page load speed, and thus, providing a better overall user experience.</p>
           <p>3 tools/software that can be used to compress images
                   <li>Caesium Image Compressor</li>

           © Copyright 2020, your name



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