
In: Biology

1. What is ecology? What are abiotic and biotic factors? 2. What are the ways by...

1. What is ecology? What are abiotic and biotic factors?

2. What are the ways by which organisms interact with other organisms? What is coevolution?

3. What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? In which group do (most) humans belong? In which group do rabbits belong?

4. List and describe the role of the different types of organisms within an ecosystem (refer to section 15.6).

Please type here the answer and write in easy words, thanks


Expert Solution

1. The interaction of organisms with each other as well as with their physical environment around is ecology. There is presence of both biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factor refers to the living organism and abiotic refers to non-living organisms present in the environment.

2. The interaction are:

Mutualism- where both organism are benefited and are dependent on each other.

Parasitism- one benefits the other.

Predation.- one benefits, other is harmed

Commensalism- one is benefitted other is neither benefitted nor harmed.

Coevolution occurs when two species influence the development of each other. For example an insect developed a specialised part that helps in collecting the nectar of a particular flower.

3. Herbivores are primary animals that eat grass, plants and plant products. Cow, goat.

Carnivores are flesh eating animals. Top carnivorous animals are lion, tiger.

Omnivorous are those that eat plant as well as flesh. Like human beings.

Human are omnivorous. Rabbit are herbivorous.

4. Every organism has a specific role to play in nature, thus balancing the nature in equivalent manner. A sudden increase or decrease in any type of animals will lead to imbalance and harm the ecosystem. A decrease in the level of top carnivore will lead to overcrowding of herbivores which is against the favourable growth of the nature.

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