
In: Psychology

Based on what you learn (refer to textbook aging matters) what are your next step in...

Based on what you learn (refer to textbook aging matters) what are your next step in planning and achieving your long-term goals?


Expert Solution

Firstly let me tell you that any GOAL should be a smart goal whether it is for short term or long term

Whart is a smart goal

S - Specific : be highly specific about what you intend to achieve.

M - Measurable: you should be able to measure the sucess ratio of your goal (eg if you have achieve 90% or 10% of it)

A - Achievable: When you pick goals that are achievable, not only are you more likely to achieve them, but you can also develop some momentum in the process. It's exciting to accomplish a goal that is currently out of reach, no matter what that goal is. Once you get there, you're fueled by the zeal and enthusiasm of reaching your goal.

R - Relevant:

How relevant are the goals that you've selected for your life and your future? Are they aligned with who you are? Do they resonate with your core values and beliefs? Or, do they go contrary to everything that you believe in? When we pick goals that go against the grain of who we are, we find it much more difficult to follow through.

So how do you pick relevant goals for your life? One way is to take a moment to jot down everything that you value and believe in. For example, if you value honesty, yet you think that all rich people are crooked and somehow got that way through some stealthy or underhanded methods, you might find it difficult to achieve big-money goals.

What we believe in are also the product of things we've heard while growing up. Things like "money doesn't grow on trees," or "more money, more problems," and "all men cheat and lie," and so on, become ingrained in our minds, influencing our every thought, emotion and resultant behavior.

Take the time to jot down the things that make you into who you are. Then, pick relevant goals that are in harmony with what you believe in and value. You'll find your goal-setting journey to be much more harmonious and fluid when you pick relevant goals to your life and who you are deep down inside.

T - Time Bound:Goals must be time-bound in order to be achievable. When do you plan on achieving this goal? Don't just say you want to get rich in the future or make a million dollars in the next few years. You have to pick a date on the calendar if you're serious about achieving that goal.

when you set a SMART goal it is very easy and systematic to achieve it.

BUT what i consider to be equally important is that a goal should not only be SMART it should be SMARTER

The later E & R stand for

E - Evaluate your progress along the way: When goals are time-bound, they can be evaluated, allowing you to track your progress along the way. The more meticulous you track your goals, the more likely you'll be to follow through. Pick a system for tracking your goals, and do it every single day. This will give you a barometer towards success.

R - Re-adjust your approach to reach your goals:

If you evaluate your progress, and you realize that you're getting further away from your goals rather than closer to them, you can re-adjust your approach. This gives you a moment to correct things. You might not notice this if you fail to evaluate your progress on a daily basis.

example:When a plane sees that there's a storm or air-traffic congestion, it can adjust its approach to reach its intended target on time. If there's major turbulence ahead and it needs to veer slightly off course, it knows what to do in order to correct that so it can make up for the time lost and to ultimately reach its destination.

Apart from this the various pointers should also be paid attention to when you are planning a long term goal:

Part 1: Developing a Long-Term Goal

Ask yourself where you'd like your life to be in the next few years.

Build a goal from your broad ideas.

Write out a specific goal.

Separate short and long-term goals.

Assess your goal to make sure it's manageable.

Part 2: Achieving Your Long-Term Goal

Commit to one long-term goal at a time.

Break your goal into sub-goals.

Set up a timetable for your goal and sub-goals.

Work on your self-discipline.

Develop habits that aid in accomplishing your goal.

Review your progress regularly.

Identify obstacles you might encounter.

Part 3: Staying Motivated for Long-Term Goals

Take breaks regularly.

Try to make your goal fun.

Celebrate your success

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