
In: Operations Management

Answer these question based on aging/elderly What is the future for social security? What is the...

Answer these question based on aging/elderly
What is the future for social security?
What is the eligibility for social security?
What new types of emphasis are being put on personal investment?
What are the possible predictors for the future of social security>
What types of social security reform have been suggested?
What is meant by privatization of social security?
Why would this happen?
What would it mean?
Are other countries looking at this?
What does this do for women?
What is the debate over this idea?


Expert Solution

1)What is the future for social security?

According to David Bach ,Social security is "any government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income".

Social security is conceived for an orderly arrangement of every constituents of the society as an institution. It is the source of trust ,that is very essential to drive the liberal democratic set up. It is a kind of recompensing public at large .People in their period of effective economic capacity contribute their rightful share(that is tax)to the nation and having exhausted the capacity, state would help them for subsistence and making a happy life by providing health facilities at minimal cost or no cost,food at subsidized rates etc.

2)What is the future for social security?

The concept of social security is getting much debated in an era of aging population. Many countries are going to streamline the existing social securty plans for resource mobilzation. As the global economy struggles to make an aaproximate 3% growth rate,resoucre crunch would/may worsen the exchequer of many countries.

In such a situation a situaltion of "gone are the goldens days'' may happen.It is one possibilty.

As the 21 st century faces many threats, some are existential in nature, world governments necessary try to make shieds for their populace. In that case social security plans may upgraded to a level where large number of people going to benefit.

Two instances are explained,broadly be termed as rationality vs happiness dilemma. On the part of governments ,rationality factor may weigh ,on the other ,that is people,happiness factor necessarily prevail over any austerity measures.

3)What is the eligibility for social security?

Making definitions always a stressful matter. The eligibility criteria can be defined as the economic capacity and physical capacity gets exhausted ,then a person might elegible for getting social security incentives. Example -(A)when a person attain age of 60 or more his/her health conditions may not be suitable for further employment or work,then he can apply for social security plans (B) When a country's people are below the poverty line,then goverment has the natural responsibility to uplift the people from poverty,for this ,goverment may employ various social security plans.

4)What new types of emphasis are being put on personal investment?

New types necessarily involves investment plans that is organized and less risky. Then social infrastructure gets much share comparing to physical infrastructure.

5)What are the possible predictors for the future of social security?

(a) Increasing amount of expenditure atleast by 50%

(b)Exclusive attention on social security than current insurance dominated plans

(c)Plans based on 'health as right'.

(d)Freebies based soicla security plans

6)What types of social security reform have been suggested?

Schemes suggested to make plans more of democratic nature and consider as public good.

Providing public good at free of cost

Making resources as bee extracts honey from the flower. Then allocate resources fro social security plans

7)What is meant by privatization of social security?

Privatization of social security means involving private capital in the sphere of social security, Example -making corporates socially responsible).Corporates are advised to allocate certian percentage of their revenue to help society such as contributing to health infrastructure.

8)Why would this happen and What would it mean?

(A)When governments' fiscal position falls in a territory of 'worse'. Then private capital is instructed to help the society .

(B)To make every constituents socially responsible ,authorities may instruct the private capital to invest more in social security capital

Above points necessarily say opening up of social security is for making more participatory structure.

9)Are other countries looking at this?What does this do for women?

Countries may observe social security plans for devising practical plans and making more participative.

By social security plans woman gets empowered.

10)What is the debate over this idea?

Much debate is going on the issue of funding. As deficit burgeoning governments struggles to find resources, people at large demanding more incentives.

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