
In: Accounting

   Research suggests that self-efficacy positively leads to employee deep acting in service industry while self-efficacy...

   Research suggests that self-efficacy positively leads to employee deep acting in service industry while self-efficacy negatively leads to employee surface acting in service industry. Please provide your explanations for the results in a detailed fashion. (15 points)


Expert Solution

Self-efficacy ican iplay ia irole iin inot ionly ihow iyou ifeel iabout iyourself, ibut iwhether ior inot iyou isuccessfully iachieve iyour igoals iin ilife. iThe iconcept iof iself-efficacy iis icentral ito iAlbert iBandura’s isocial icognitive itheory, iwhich iemphasizes ithe irole iof iobservational ilearning, isocial iexperience, iand ireciprocal ideterminism iin ideveloping ia ipersonality.

Self-efficacy iis ipart iof ithe iself-system icomprised iof ia iperson’s iattitudes, iabilities, iand icognitive iskills, iaccording ito iBandura. iThis isystem iplays ia imajor irole iin ihow iwe iperceive isituations iand ihow iwe ibehave iin iresponse ito idifferent isituations. iSelf-efficacy iis ian iessential ipart iof ithis iself-system.

Self-efficacy iis ia iperson’s ibelief iin ihis ior iher iability ito isucceed iin ia iparticular isituation. iBandura idescribed ithese ibeliefs ias ideterminants iof ihow ipeople ithink, ibehave, iand ifeel.

The iRole iof iSelf-Efficacy

imost ipeople ialso irealize ithat iputting ithese iplans iinto iaction iis inot iquite iso isimple. iBandura iand iothers ihave ifound ithat ian iindividual’s iself-efficacy iplays ia imajor irole iin ihow igoals, itasks, iand ichallenges iare iapproached.

People iwith ia istrong isense iof iself-efficacy:

ü Develop ideeper iinterest iin ithe iactivities iin iwhich ithey iparticipate

ü Form ia istronger isense iof icommitment ito itheir iinterests iand iactivities

ü Recover iquickly ifrom isetbacks iand idisappointments

ü View ichallenging iproblems ias itasks ito ibe imastered

People iwith ia iweak isense iof iself-efficacy:

ü Avoid ichallenging itasks

ü Believe ithat idifficult itasks iand isituations iare ibeyond itheir icapabilities

ü Focus ion ipersonal ifailings iand inegative ioutcomes

ü Quickly ilose iconfidence iin ipersonal iabilities

Cumulative iresearch iindicates ithat ideep iacting ihas ia ino isignificant irelationship iwith iemployee iexhaustion, idespite iarguments ithat ideep iacting ican ibe ibeneficial. iTo iilluminate iwhen ideep iacting ileads ito imore ipositive iemployee ioutcomes, iwe idraw ion ithe iresource iconservation iperspective ito ipropose ia iwithin-individual imodel iof ideep iacting ithat ifocuses ion iservice iemployees’ idaily ifluctuation iof iemotional ilabor iand iemotional iexhaustion. iDeep iacting iwas iless iemotionally iexhausting ifor iservice iproviders iwhen ithey isaw itheir itasks ias imore ichallenging.

Surface iacting, ideep iacting, iand igenuine iemotional ilabor. iSurface iacting iinvolves ifaking ithe irequired iemotions: ithat iis, iwhen ipeople iengage iin isurface iacting, ithey ido inot iactually itry ito ifeel ithe iemotions ithey iwish ito iportray. iThey imay iput ion i“fake ismiles” ior iother irequired iemotional idisplays ithat ido inot ireflect itheir itrue ifeelings. iBy icontrast, ideep iacting iinvolves iputting ieffort iinto iactually ifeeling iand iexpressing ithe irequired iemotions. iWhen iengaged iin ideep iacting, ipeople iattempt ito imodify ifeelings ito imatch ithe irequired idisplay irules

Emotional iself iefficacy ientails ithat ithe iindividual imust iexhibit iself-awareness. iSelf-awareness iis ibound iand ipositively iassociated iwith iself-control ithese iauthorities idefine iself-control ias ithe iability iof ikeeping iown iemotions iunder icontrol, iand imoreover ito ikeep icalm iunder ipotentially iconflict irelations; ifor iexample ia icustomer iwho ishows ianger ior iuneasy iand iwho ibecomes iover idemanding iin ihis iexpressions. i

Emotional iself-efficacy ialso ientails ithe iappraisal iand iexpression iof iemotion iin ithe iself iThe iconcerns ian iindividual’s iability ito irecognize iand iexpress ihis iemotions; iindividuals ihigh ion ithis idimension iare imore ieasily iaware iof itheir iemotions ithan ithe iaverage iperson.

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