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Using a diagram explain how PHP makes web pages dynamic

Using a diagram explain how PHP makes web pages dynamic


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Note: Brother if you have any queries related the answer please do comment. I would be very happy to resolve all your queries.

Dynamic websites comprise Web pages as are generated into real-time. These pages include Web scripting code, certain so PHP then ASP. When a strong page is accessed, the code within the page is parsed about the Web server or the resulting HTML is despatched to the client's Web browser.

Most large websites are dynamic, due to the fact they are less complicated in imitation of maintain than stationary websites. This is due to the fact certain pages every comprises special content, meaning those need tobe manually opened, edited, or posted whenever a trade is made. Dynamic pages, regarding the vile hand, get admission to data out of a database. Therefore, in conformity with change the content concerning a strong page, the webmaster may additionally only need in conformity with replace a database record. This is specially beneficial for significant web sites so much include lots then hundreds on pages. It also makes such feasible for a couple of users in imitation of update the content material about an internet site without modifying the sketch of the pages.

Kindly revert for any queries


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