
In: Computer Science

How can I make a PHP web app that will record student's names and grades? Req....

How can I make a PHP web app that will record student's names and grades?


  • A new table in our database called students.
  • Table should include 2 columns; student_name and student_grade [0 - 100].
  • Need 3 PHP called student_list.php, add_student.php, and delete_student.php.
  • The student_list.php code uses HTML and PHP to list all of the students in your student's table; including their student_name and student_grade [number grade] and letter grade.
  • Convert the number grade to a letter grade as follows.
    • returns 'A' if grade is <= 90
    • returns 'B' if the grade is in the range of 80 through 89
    • returns 'C' if the grade is in the range of 70 through 79
    • returns 'D' if the grade is in the range of 60 through 69
    • returns 'F' if grade is > 60
  • The student_list.php, after the list of students, include a link to Add a Student. This link should display add_student.php.
  • The add_student.php create a form to input the student_name and student_grade [number grade] and a button to add the student [2 textboxes and 1 button].
  • The button in the add_student.php is pressed, insert the new student_name and student_grade [number grade] into the student's table. Then display the student_list.php. The list of students in the student_list.php should show the new student that was just added.
  • In the student_list.php, include a Delete button for each student in the list.
  • The Deletes button is pressed, call the delete_student.php and delete that student from the student's table. Then display the student_list.php. The list of students in the student_list.php should not show the student that was just deleted.


Expert Solution


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Student list</title>
   <th>Number Grade</h>
   <th>Letter Grade</h>
   $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "StudentDB");
   if ($conn -> connect_error)
   die("connection failed: ". $conn-> connect_error);  
$sql = "SELECT stname, stgrade from studentab";
   $results = $conn -> query($sql);
   if ($result-> num_rows >0)
       while($row = $result-> fetch_assoc()))
           echo "<tr><td>". $row["stname"] ."</td><td>". $row["stgrade"]. "</td>";
           if($row[stgrade] < 60)
           echo "<tr><td>". "F" ."</td>";
           elseif($row[stgrade] >= 60 and $row[stgrade]<=69)
               echo "<tr><td>". "D" ."</td>";
           elseif($row[stgrade] >= 70 and $row[stgrade]<=79)
               echo "<tr><td>". "C" ."</td>";
           elseif($row[stgrade] >= 80 and $row[stgrade]<=89)
               echo "<tr><td>". "B" ."</td>";
               echo "<tr><td>". "A" ."</td>";
       echo "</table>";
       echo("0 Result");
$conn-> close();  
<form action="add_student.php" method="post">
<h2>Form to add student</h2>
<label>Student Name:</label>
<input class="input" name="name" type="text" value="">
<input class="input" name="grade" type="text" value="">
<input class="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Insert">

<form action="delete_student.php" method="post">
<h2>Form to delete student</h2>
<label>Student Name:</label>
<input class="input" name="name" type="text" value="">
<input class="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Insert">



$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "StudentDB");

if ($conn -> connect_error)
   die("connection failed: ". $conn-> connect_error);  



$name = $_POST['name'];

$grade = $_POST['grade'];

if($name !=' ' || $grade !=' ')


$conn -> query("Insert into studenttab(stname, stgrade) values ('$name', '$grade')");

echo "<br/><br/><span>Data Inserted successfully...!!</span>";

echo "<a href=". "student_list.php". ">Display List</a> "



echo "<p>Insertion Failed <br/> Some Fields are Blank....!!</p>";



} $conn-> close();   ?>



$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "StudentDB");

if ($conn -> connect_error)
           die("connection failed: ". $conn-> connect_error);    



$name = $_POST['name'];

if($name !=' ')


$conn -> query("DELETE FROM studenttab where stname= '$name')");

echo "<br/><br/><span>Data Deleted successfully...!!</span>";

echo "<a href=". "student_list.php". ">Display List</a> "   



echo "<p>Deletion Failed <br/> Some Fields are Blank....!!</p>";



} $conn-> close();   ?>

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