In: Computer Science
Using a combination of HTML/PHP, implement a web page where the users can upload a text file, exclusively in .txt format, which contains a string of 400 numbers, such as:
71636269561882670428 85861560789112949495 65727333001053367881 52584907711670556013 53697817977846174064 83972241375657056057 82166370484403199890 96983520312774506326 12540698747158523863 66896648950445244523 05886116467109405077 16427171479924442928 17866458359124566529 24219022671055626321 07198403850962455444 84580156166097919133 62229893423380308135 73167176531330624919 30358907296290491560 70172427121883998797
Your code should contain a PHP function that, accepting the string of 400 numbers in input, is able to find the greatest product of four adjacent numbers in all the four possible directions (up, down, left, right, or diagonally).
tester function should cover all possible checks:
1) correct file format
2) proper file contents
3) size of the file
4)For any file, with known answer check if the function returns the same answer (true test case). Because with null string and all the application itself wont work. Until we upload any file. You can add another possibilities here, will help in enhancing test cases.
Correct solution will be highly appreciated
Working code implemented in PHP and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.
index.php Source Code:
echo <<<_END
<html><head><title>PHP Form
<form method='post' action='index.php'
enctype='multipart/form-data' >
Select File: <input type='file' name='uploadfileinput' size='10'
<input type='submit' value='Upload'>
$inputtype = $_FILES['uploadfileinput']['type'];
if($inputtype == "text/plain"){
// Accessing the Name of the file uploaded.
$name = $_FILES['uploadfileinput']['name'];
// Opening the file and reading the lines of numbers.
$fh = fopen($name, 'r') or die("File Does not exist");
// Assigning all the values to an array.
$charArray = [];
$line = fgets($fh);
$tempCharArray = str_split($line);
array_push($charArray, $tempCharArray);
// Validate for the right input and Give out the ANSWER.
if(validateInputData($charArray) != true){
echo "Error: File is Not Formatted properly.";
// Giving out the Answer if everything is Correct.
echo "File Name: " . $name . " <br> ";
echo "The max product is: <h1>";
echo calculateProduct($charArray);
echo "</h1>";
echo "Illegal File Type: Please Upload a text file with extension
.txt only";
echo "<br>";
// Ignored the top and left cases because it will be the same as
right and bottom.
function calculateProduct($charArray){
$product = 0;
for($row = 0; $row < sizeof($charArray); $row++){
for($col = 0; $col < sizeof($charArray[$row]); $col++){
if($charArray[$row][$col] !== "\n"){
$tempProductRight = $charArray[$row][$col] * $charArray[$row][$col
+ 1] * $charArray[$row][$col + 2] * $charArray[$row][$col +
$tempProductDown = $charArray[$row][$col] * $charArray[$row +
1][$col] * $charArray[$row + 2][$col] * $charArray[$row +
$tempProductCross = $charArray[$row][$col] * $charArray[$row +
1][$col + 1] * $charArray[$row + 2][$col +2] * $charArray[$row +
3][$col + 3];
// Getting the max from Right, Bottom and Diagnol.
$tempMax = max($tempProductRight, $tempProductDown,
if($tempMax > $product){
$product = $tempMax;
return $product;
//Method to find if the length is 400 and has the right
datatypes in the string.
function validateInputData($charArray){
$counter = 0;
for($row = 0; $row < sizeof($charArray); $row++){
for($col = 0; $col < sizeof($charArray[$row]); $col++){
if($charArray[$row][$col] !== "\n"){
$val = $charArray[$row][$col];
if(is_numeric($val) != true){
return false;
if($counter != 400){
return false;
return true;
//Tester function is being called in the main area after echoing
the answer.
function tester($charArray){
echo "<br> <br> Tester Function: <br>";
$inputWithDifferentDatatypeInBetween = '12345d7567m';
$inputWithLengthLessThanFourHundred = '71636269561882677';
if(validateInputData($charArray) != true){
echo "Error: Data Invalid";
echo "<br>";
// Giving out the Answer if everything is Correct.
echo "Test 1: For Correct Data: ";
echo calculateProduct($charArray);
echo "<br>";
if(validateInputData($inputWithDifferentDatatypeInBetween) !=
echo "Test 2: For Incorrect Data with Datatypes other than numeric
in between: ";
echo "Error: Data Invalid";
echo "<br>";
echo calculateProduct($charArray);
if(validateInputData($inputWithLengthLessThanFourHundred) !=
echo "Test 3: For length not equal to 400: ";
echo "Error: Data Invalid";
echo "<br>";
echo calculateProduct($charArray);
echo "</body></html>