
In: Civil Engineering

(The topic about citation) . Write a summary of a scientific topic at your choice in...

(The topic about citation) .
Write a summary of a scientific topic at your choice in civil engineer.You should cite at least two different types of sources (Book, Article, report, website, etc).The citation may be a paraphrase or summary; the direct quotation should not exceed 10%.Use proper citation style, e.g.APA,The summary should not exceed one-page including the references ( on the program word 12 font size and single line space)Note:(1) Avoid plagiarism, copying and pasting.(2)I want the references that you used it.

(The topic about citation).
Write a summary of a scientific topic at your choice in civil engineer(like Performance efficiency study for prefabricated building or Earthquake-resistant structures, bridges.
You should cite at least two different types of sources (Book, Article, report, website, etc). The citation may be a paraphrase or summary; the direct quotation should not exceed 10% .Use proper citation style, e.g APA, The summary should not exceed one page including the references (on the program word 12 font size and single line space) Note: (1) Avoid plagiarism, copying and pasting.(2)I want the references that you used it.

Ok Not on condition for civil engineering, Choose any topic you want and write it.(like a scientific topic on physics)


Expert Solution

Since i am a civil engineer,i would prefer a topic related to civil engineering and fluid mechanics is my favourite subject.

ill use points as it makes things easier to understand

newtonian and non newtonian fluids

  • Fluids possess a property by virtue of which there exixt a friction or hinderence in the movement of one fluid layer over other called Viscosity.
  • This property of a fluid plays a great role in shaping its dynamics and kinematics.
  • As per newtons law of viscousity,Shear stress acting on a fluid is directly proportional to the rate of change of angular deformation or the velocity gradient and the proportionality constant thus originated is viscousity(dynamic) expressed as
  • Fluid flows under action of shear stress irrespective of the magnitude,thus a little stress can cause large deformation and here comes the difference betweennewtonion and non newtonion fluids.
  • Newtonian fluids are those which obey Newtons law of viscousity ,eg : water
  • non newtonian fluids doesnot obey newtons law of viscousity ,they need some threshold shear stress to start flowing ,eg : toothpaste comes out when we press the tube.blood is a non newtonian fluid as it thickens withn time.
  • Non newtonian fluids have an apparent viscousity,which may gain strength or loose strength with time


  • NPTEL.AC.IN\fluid mechanics\newtonian and non newtonian fluids(a govt of india initiative by ministry of HRD)
  • R.K.Bansal (author) Laxmi Publications

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